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call center agents collaborate at the help desk

To Deploy a Better CRM With AI, Keep Humans on the Help Desk

Despite the growing emphasis on using AI in the workplace, a U.K.- and U.S.-based Workbooks survey reveals that human support...
artificial intelligence in crm systems

The Broad Scope of AI Implementation for Enhancing CRM Efficiency

SAS Head of Martech Solutions Marketing Jonathan Moran shares his insight and lengthy experience integrating various forms of AI to...
technology innovation

Turning Point

We’re at a turning point in business, technology, and society, and I don’t think there’s been anything quite like it...
customer data analysis

Bigeye’s Dependency-Driven Monitoring Boosts Reliability of CRM Data

Bigeye's new Dependency-Driven Monitoring platform is a data observability solution that allows enterprise data teams to see more trustworthy results...
cutomer service agent in a call center

AI-Human Collaboration and the Future of Customer Service

The battle between bots and humans raged for years in customer service. Now, it seems that many American workers are...
Salesforce Field Service Suite

Salesforce Enhances Field Service

I am seeing a pattern. Last time I looked at how Oracle’s generative AI is integrating into a variety of...
artificial intelligence

Oracle’s 50 New Gen AI Apps

Oracle has announced 50 new generative AI apps for its application suite that embed into existing business workflows across finance,...

Mastering AI-Powered CRM Puts Onus on Vendors To Get It Right

Today’s challenge for CRM vendors lies in simplifying the adoption of sophisticated, out-of-the-box AI models over the complexities of DIY...
crm systems

Workbooks Platform Gives New Meaning to the ‘R’ in CRM

A new era of customer relationship management is emerging, with a focus on innovative design and strategic platform goals. Businesses...
revenue forecasting meeting

Gong AI Platform Delivers Improved Accuracy to Revenue Forecasting

Revenue teams have grappled with organizational changes and unpredictable buyer behavior in recent years. Resolving those two factors is increasingly...

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