
As technologies like ChatGPT exemplify, generative AI is rapidly evolving, prompting businesses across industries to refine their application strategies. The challenge in 2024 is to leverage these new technologies to drive positive business outcomes and enhance customer satisfaction effectively.

The battle between bots and humans raged for years in customer service. Now, it seems that many American workers are embracing the benefits of AI.

Let's explore key insights into UX design, highlighting essential best practices, common mistakes, and the latest trends that are shaping the future of e-commerce.

Digital signage itself is not radically new. What is new, however, are the improved features and artificial intelligence behind the network delivery.

Today’s challenge for CRM vendors lies in simplifying the adoption of sophisticated, out-of-the-box AI models over the complexities of DIY projects, which can be daunting. Simplification is crucial, as AI-powered CRM platforms are revolutionizing how businesses deliver customer experiences.

As businesses and industries continue to evaluate the pros and cons of ChatGPT, generative AI, and other artificial intelligence species, some adopters praise its time-saving and innovative benefits. Others are hesitant to trust the new technology. Either way, where gen AI is headed is an ongoing co...

Facing yet another year marked by economic uncertainty, brands need to forge connections by not just offering discounts. They also must authentically engage shoppers with exceptional product experiences and champion eco-conscious practices.

The concept of CRM evolving into a "customer personal assistant" is feasible and aligns with the broader trend of AI-driven personalization and automation. However, its success depends on various factors, including the organization's resources, technology infrastructure, and available data quality.

AI integration is rapidly enhancing the capabilities of CRM platforms and how businesses interact with customers while retaining loyalty. Many customer experience leaders see expanding into new technologies as a way to mitigate the threat of lost customers and falling sales. This growing expansion o...

Merchants must provide payment options to reach Gen Z in 2024 and beyond so they do not get left behind by a generation of consumers who take their business elsewhere.

In today's competitive market, adding a human touch to e-commerce buying is a strategic need. It shows a deeper awareness of changing consumer expectations beyond the obvious benefits of improving customer pleasure and loyalty.


Landing Intelligent Customer Service

What a difference a decade makes. It seems only about that long ago that vendors were wrestling with providing the rudiments of automated triage for customer service. It was not often pretty, but they kept at it. Good thing, too.

In response to evolving customer experience trends, there's an increasing demand for advanced digital support, as AI and human interaction strive to balance in meeting modern consumer expectations and enhancing customer service efficiency.

A key motivation for businesses to stay updated is AI's significant enhancements in customer satisfaction compared to the previous generation of CRM bots. Understanding how to recommend the next product or appointment reminders and anticipating the customer's needs is the new playing field. So is un...

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