
Chatbots and virtual assistants with advanced natural language processing (NLP) are transforming customer care and how businesses engage with their customers.

If a company wants to send customers to a competitor, serving up a negative online experience is a good way to do it, according to a new study.

The retail industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by the increasing adoption of artificial intelligence. A recent study found that 34% of retailers believe 2024 will be a turning point in the acceptance of AI for the customer experience.

We spoke with CEO Luke Wang about how Surefront's platform unifies PLM, PIM, and CRM software, transforming retail and supply chain management.

Despite the growing emphasis on using AI in the workplace, a U.K.- and U.S.-based Workbooks survey reveals that human support remains the preferred choice for businesses implementing CRM solutions. The findings highlight the limitations and challenges of increasing reliance on AI within CRM systems.

SAS Head of Martech Solutions Marketing Jonathan Moran shares his insight and lengthy experience integrating various forms of AI to improve CRM efficiency.

Mistrust in how online retailers handle their customers' personal information is at an all-time high, costing merchants lost revenue and follow-up orders. Twenty-six percent of consumers have abandoned a brand in the past 12 months due to privacy concerns. Establishing a higher trust level is no lon...

The adage "different strokes for different folks" now guides public relations strategies, particularly in maintaining engagement with diverse generational clientele. Generation Z, sometimes called Zoomers, is the new power kid on the buying block.


Turning Point

We’re at a turning point in business, technology, and society, and I don’t think there’s been anything quite like it since the 1960s. What impresses me so far is how stately this revolution has been. If you think these days are chaotic, all I can say is you should have been around in 1968.

Contrary to what some folks think about the “recent” discovery of artificial intelligence for business uses, AI as a computing function is not novel. What is new is its growing adoption for expanded uses and the ability to transform data into actionable business strategies.

As technologies like ChatGPT exemplify, generative AI is rapidly evolving, prompting businesses across industries to refine their application strategies. The challenge in 2024 is to leverage these new technologies to drive positive business outcomes and enhance customer satisfaction effectively.

Bigeye's new Dependency-Driven Monitoring platform is a data observability solution that allows enterprise data teams to see more trustworthy results from their CRM systems.

The battle between bots and humans raged for years in customer service. Now, it seems that many American workers are embracing the benefits of AI.

Let's explore key insights into UX design, highlighting essential best practices, common mistakes, and the latest trends that are shaping the future of e-commerce.

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