
The supply chain debacle and the rising costs of everything have forced consumers to make critical choices in how they spend their rapidly disappearing dollars. Retailers can no longer rely on personalization strategies alone to win over or retain loyal customers.

With inflation in the U.S. hitting 9.1% in June, merchants are facing enormous challenges when it comes to building customer loyalty -- and keeping it. These clever strategies can help brands meet their engagement and customer loyalty objectives.


How To Build the Most Effective Customer Journey

Using data from your CRM and other sources, you can optimize your customer journey, reducing leakage, cutting bounce rates, increasing satisfaction and boosting conversion rates. Here are Zoho’s top tips for effective customer-journey planning and optimization.

Replicant -- a tech company providing voice automation solutions for call centers -- is solving staffing and customer experience problems with voice AI technology that can "speak" with customers to solve routine issues like rebooking flights, refunding orders, or providing status updates.

Many business owners believe they have done their best by releasing a mobile website or online store. However, more goes into creating a riveting online shopping experience that attracts the right customers, converts casual browsing to sales, and engages shoppers long term so they are drawn to an e-...

Gen Zers do not balk at paying more for sustainable products or from brands that share their social and political views. But without providing convenient payment methods, retailers are conducting a losing proposition.

Amidst this year's back-to-store shopping trend, as large companies try to work through e-commerce mishaps, musical instrument and pro-audio retailer Sweetwater has seen an increase in online sales. The company attributes much of its success to top-of-the-line experiences both online and through its...

Different generations value different tools and mediums for interacting with their favorite brands. With so many digital options to choose from, brands must narrow their focus and ensure they are making the correct digital bets when it comes to the customer experience.

Delivering a great user experience is the key to building positive customer relationships. However, to achieve this, retailers must not be restricted to relying exclusively on CRM tools. Instead, they should be able leverage the data gathered by the CRM to seamlessly adjust operations across the wid...

Sales and service are tightly related for the simple reason that they center on the newness of a category or product type and thus neophyte customers. When a product or its category are new it takes great effort to explain how something works and demonstrate the benefits.

Virtual or hybrid work environments are likely to become standard fixtures for organizations. Knowledge management will play and imperative role, as the need for collaboration and the ability to share and find organizational information virtually, and at any time, only increases.

With a little planning, customer interactions can be turned into a satisfying and pleasant experience. Here are a few of the most prevalent problems with call centers and what you can do to fix them.

Automation is the key to future-proofing a company’s customer service journey. Oracle’s innovative solutions solve two inherent stumbling blocks with turn-key effectiveness. One is providing effective customer service by having the ability to respond to every customer’s unique issu...

Businesses across all industries are competing in the experience economy. The best way to stand out from the competition and retain customers is with optimal customer experiences, according to cloud technology firm Oracle. While this sounds simple, differentiation is a daunting task for many busines...

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