Customer Data

Across all businesses, the entire C-suite leadership team is looking to validate an experience management program by asking one question: what is the financial impact of my CX investment? Making a business case to the financial leaders of your company means that you have to be prepared to answer any...

With most workers continuing to work remotely, CRM has become an important tool for managing relationship risk. Financial firms have to deal with market and operational risk, consumer retailers have to focus on supply chain risk, and all companies have to keep an eye on economic risk. Relationship r...


The Three C’s of Optimizing CRM Data

Monitoring and maintaining your data is an ongoing, strategic process. By educating your CRM users -- and making their data entry process as easy as possible -- you can ensure that better-quality data will be entering the system. Here's how you can give your company a true advantage -- and empower e...


Oracle’s Reinvention

Oracle's continued strides in the tech space say a lot about perseverance and deep pockets. It was a darling of the 20th-century tech era, rising from a startup in the database wars and becoming the sole surviving independent database company. But at some point, success leveled out its rise, and it ...

New studies reveal how solid personalization in marketing drives brand loyalty. However, consumers still feel that brands fail to do enough to recognize them as individuals.

Marketers at B2C companies realize that personalization is key to business, but they are having problems implementing personalization strategies, according to a recent survey by Adweek Intelligence in association with IBM Watson Advertising.


Time to Beef Up Your Algorithms

Accuracy means getting the right answer. Precision is about getting the right answer time after time. In a CRM situation an algorithm that gets the right answer is accurate and nice (we got the deal!) but if the business process supported by CRM has a lot of returns or unhappy customers, it's not ve...


How AI Can Improve Customer Retention

Customer attrition and churn are not new problems. Anyone who has spent time in the sales world has heard statistics around the cost of acquiring a new customer. It can be five to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. More importantly, improving your cus...

Does your customer relationship management strategy have what it takes to reach Generation Y? It's estimated that by 2021, an additional $394 billion in revenue could be gained from artificial intelligence adoption in CRM activities in the U.S. As companies grow and technology evolves at a faster-th...


6 Signs You May Be Ready for a CRM Switch

In today's evolving business environment, every operational decision is critical -- and that includes best practices for managing the customer journey. The customer relationship management platform is an integral part of the process.

E-commerce business leaders are already thinking ahead to the holiday season, and they want to answer one big question: What can we improve over the next 10 months to generate the most value during the holidays?

We've been promised, repeatedly, that AI would revolutionize e-commerce. Has it lived up to expectations? If not, the problem may lie not in the technology you've deployed on your site, but in the architecture and data that support it. The effectiveness of AI-powered features ultimately depends on a...


2020: The Year for Custom CX and Privacy

With the introduction of the CCPA this year and GDPR in 2018, the age of data privacy has begun, bringing the opportunity for businesses to harness it to gain competitive advantage. There are both challenges and opportunities for businesses that aim to deliver superior customer experiences while adh...

Microsoft has unveiled several new artificial intelligence capabilities across Dynamics 365 applications and a new solution to help project-centric services organizations transform their operations. The AI enhancements include first- and third-party data connections in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights...

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