
Results 1-8 of 128 for Louis Columbus.

Earning Respect from Your Customer Channels

You have to love the irony. Manufacturing companies spend months and thousands of dollars to select a channel management application that will cure many of the ills that years of neglect have created. These manufacturers -- fighting with inconsistency of policies, lack of channel focus and leadershi...


Lack of Service Sows Seeds of Outsourcing

Let's face it. For many companies, the level of service to customers is lacking across the entire spectrum of their customer base, and service to internal customers is even worse. The cruel irony of all the maneuvering inside companies to protect departments is that the only goal that matters -- ser...


Why Outsourcing Is a Lot Like Golf

It's that time again; the earnings calls for CRM, ERP, hardware and services vendors are being scheduled, rehearsed and delivered to shareholders, industry and financial analysts. What's common across the more than two dozen calls I've listened to that span CRM, ERP and SCM software, hardware and se...


Outside Consultants Are Not Always Better

Companies looking at new CRM, order capture and even distributed order-management systems tend to give too much credibility to the vendors outside their company first, dismissing their own internal resources. What's troubling about this is that the answers to their toughest questions may very well b...


Legalizing Respect for the Consumer

Look long enough at any company's Web site, C-level presentations, earnings conference calls or marketing efforts, and you'll find the phrases like, "customer-centered," "The customer comes first always," and "The customer is the center of the business." They are all noble thoughts to be sure, but t...


Explaining CRM’s Credibility Gap

Let's face it: CRM continues to be the Rodney Dangerfield of enterprise applications. It doesn't get nearly the respect it deserves. Despite many research firms' take on the aggressive growth of customer-based initiatives inside manufacturing and services companies alike, CRM itself continues to go ...


Can You Trust Your CRM Data?

It's time to leave behind the hype of each new application release and get fundamental about what you are doing with your CRM strategies in the first place. Here's the bottom line: You will only be able to reach your goals if the processes that feed your CRM applications with verifiable, reliable, r...


Will the Real Siebel Please Stand Up?

Trying to make the disjointed pieces of Siebel's product strategy fit together is comparable to deconstructing a kaleidoscope and trying to create a mosaic from the pieces of randomly shaped colored glass. You'll get a colorful picture that's more abstract art than realism. You can't fault Siebel fo...

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