
Results 1-20 of 164 for Jack M. Germain.

Marketers’ Texting Schedule Can Make or Break Consumer Engagement

As the holiday shopping season approaches, the timing of SMS marketing messages takes on heightened importance. Effective scheduling not only influences consumer engagement and open rates but also plays a crucial role in achieving sales success.

SugarCRM Adds Predictive AI to Futuristic Sales Playbook

SugarCRM is incorporating predictive AI to enhance its CRM capabilities, offering sales agents data-driven insights for more effective decision-making.

New Sweetwater CEO Amplifies Vision for Music Retail

E-commerce musical instrument supplier Sweetwater will not be singing a new tune under its newly-appointed CEO, Mike Clem. Instead, the company will be cranking up the volume to stay true to what it does best -- meeting its customers' needs.

Oracle Reinvents How Generative AI Makes CRM Work Better

Oracle unveiled AI-driven enhancements at Oracle CloudWorld 2023, aiming to optimize CRM and customer experiences through generative AI technologies.

E-Tailers: Act Now on Holiday Planning or Put Profits at Risk

This year presents a distinct set of challenges for marketers, as fluctuating economic conditions and changing consumer trends add complexity to inventory planning and delivery logistics.

Bridging the SMB-Enterprise Retail Gap With Gen AI

Small and mid-sized businesses in the e-commerce space have long struggled to compete with the might of retail giants. Now, generative AI is emerging as a cost-effective solution that could level the playing field.

Subscription Commerce Merchants Innovate Amid Rising Churn Rates

A new report highlights merchants' shift towards customer retention, with a greater emphasis on technology and loyalty programs to combat increasing churn and drive long-term growth.

Social Media Integration: The New CRM Standard

Modernizing customer relationship strategies for some companies means refining their CRM platforms to encourage customer loyalty. Today, the customer experience journey can no longer fully succeed without bringing social media channels into the mix.

Is Generative AI the Next Big CX Thing Despite Its Risks?

While enhancing CX capabilities brings much-anticipated solutions for marketers and retailers, unchecked generative AI poses a threat to brand reputations, experts caution. Present and future use cases are not only fascinating but can truly help deliver promises to customers, according to Harry Foll...

This Gen AI for CRM Boasts ‘Like Having 1,000 Employees’

One AI CEO Amit Ben said, "It's like having an additional 1,000 relentless, diligent employees on your team, analyzing every customer interaction 24/7, at a fraction of the cost."

The Essential Shift From Legacy to Modern CRM Systems

Legacy CRM systems may obstruct the path to business growth and enriched customer experiences. Modern CRM platforms, with a focus on customer retention and prospect conversion, are no longer optional to achieve business success.

Mobile Shopping Apps Linked to Digital Wallets: A Loyalty-Driving Duo

A mobile wallet is an obvious answer for brands who want to seamlessly enroll, engage, and retain loyalty members, with 79% of U.S. consumers in a recent study saying they are more likely to join a loyalty program that does not require carrying a physical card.

Subscription Sales Spur Superior Selling

Subscription sales models can significantly transform business outcomes by generating steady revenue and enhancing customer satisfaction. Diversifying offerings through access and acquisition models across a variety of products, from consumables to essential services, is a key subscription business ...

The Vital Role of Tech Adoption in Overcoming Supply Chain Hurdles

Adopting tech-based software platforms is crucial for solving supply chain issues. Yet, achieving transparency remains a challenge, especially for non-tech-savvy merchants and shippers.


Tidio Delivers AI CRM for SMBs

Tidio AI, an innovative CRM tool, aims to democratize access to advanced customer service automation and efficiency for small and medium-sized businesses.


Participation Over Payment Is the Future of Brand Loyalty

We spoke with Unitea CEO Ketan Rahangdale about the intricacies and the impact of Web3 on marketing strategies and the role engage-to-earn plays in customer engagement.

Will Walmart Using Generative AI Break Open Pandora’s Retail Box?

Whether Walmart succeeds in winning over its customers could directly impact other retailers to follow suit. Either way, a key factor is collecting their insights.

Intent Data Strategies Provide a Lifeline to CRM

Intent data is becoming an increasingly important tool among B2B organizations and retail marketers. In fact, 62% of companies now use one or more intent data solutions. Yet, as a new product category, intent data can be complex.

Calendly Routing Integration Ends Manual Scheduling for CX Teams

Calendly Routing is a new solution built to enable CX teams to instantly qualify, route, and schedule meetings with high-value leads and customers from their company's website. The cloud-based platform offers a new layer of the modern digital technology stack.


Customer Analytics Now a Pivotal Piece of the Retail Sales Puzzle

We spoke with Robert Brown from BDO Digital about customer analytics in retail sales. He noted that a fundamental notion about the role of technology this year is that it is critical to invest in e-commerce and digital marketing.

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