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Results 1-3 of 3 for Tony Fisher

Master Data Management Myth Busters

Recently, I've observed a wave of articles, product releases and even analyst reports that describe solutions for companies looking to "get into" master data management (MDM) or "try out" an MDM project. Other reports claim that companies have been successful at MDM without having an MDM infrastructure in place. ...


Data Integration Drives Healthy Customer Relationships

Several years ago, a large manufacturing company lost a key distribution center to a fire. The fire destroyed not only the building, but also thousands of shipments destined for a global customer base ...

The Dangers of Bad Data

If bad data is put into a data warehouse, companies risk what Tony Fisher, president and general manager at DataFlux, described as "code, load and explode." "If the data from a source system doesn't meet the expected qualities for that data, the loading process may fail, causi...

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