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Results 1-20 of 83 for Sidney Hill

Is Facebook Too Big for Its Own Good?

This story was originally published on May 20, 2011, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series. ...


The Best Protector of Privacy Online: Market Competition

Online privacy was in the news again this week -- and Facebook, not surprisingly, figured prominently in many of the stories ...


Facebook Envy Could Trip Up LinkedIn

As the one major social networking site that actually has gone public, LinkedIn is facing more pressure than its competitors to produce revenue and ultimately turn a profit. ...


Beware of Corporate Recruiters on Facebook

It's no secret that nearly everyone is on Facebook. So, it shouldn't be a surprise that corporate recruiters are starting to infiltrate the world's largest social network in search of potential new hires ...


I Don’t Need the SEC to Tell Me to Avoid Groupon Stock

For some time now, I've felt almost like the proverbial lone voice in the wilderness questioning the value of Groupon as an investment ...


Netflix Is Dragging Its Kicking, Screaming Customers to a DVD-Free World

I'm one of the thousands of Netflix customers who were outraged by the movie rental giant's decision to change its pricing structure. No one likes the idea of paying more for less, and no matter how you slice it, that's exactly what Netflix is asking its customers to do ...


It’s Google+ vs. Facebook in the Battle for Web Domination

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote that Google+ could be the most significant product release in the history of social media. That declaration was based on my belief that this platform represents Google's best -- and perhaps last -- chance to offer Facebook any competition in the social networking arena ...


Why Groupon Is Customer-Friendly and Netflix Is Not

This week, I got emails announcing changes to two online services I subscribe to. ...


Zynga’s Got What It Takes

I am not now -- nor have I ever been -- an online gamer. I've never even thought about sitting down in front of a Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox or any other game console. And until a few days ago, I considered the idea of paying real money to buy virtual goods to spruce up ones surroundings in imaginary worlds like "FarmVille" and "CityVille" just plain dumb...


Google+ Could be the Biggest Thing in the History of Social Networking

By now, you've probably heard about Google's limited release of its new social networking platform, Google+ -- but did you know this could be the most significant product launch in the brief history of social media? ...


The Leader of the Social Business Pack

There's no denying that social media is migrating from the consumer realm to the business arena. What can still be debated is how quickly this technology is making its way into the core of the enterprise, and becoming something more than marketing and sales tools ...

IBM Aims to Bring Social Media Into Compliance

IBM is promising to deliver a solution that will enable companies to include information from social media platforms in their regulatory compliance reports ...


Reports of Facebook’s Impending Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

Like a lot of people, I was bit stunned to see headlines early this week proclaiming Facebook is losing members. In many cases, those reporting this story also were asking whether it means Facebook is heading toward a decline. ...


When Will Facebook Quit Shooting Itself in the Foot?

While much of the tech world was fixated on the news of Apple's new cloud strategy this week, Facebook users were discovering a new facial recognition feature on their network. ...


If You Want to Make a Fortune in Social Media, You’d Better Move Fast

LinkedIn has been a public company for roughly two weeks, but its brief history on Wall Street should give the people running other social media companies a lot to think about. ...


The Cure for Technology Addiction

This story was originally published on March 18, 2011, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series. ...


What It Will Take to Create a Social Supply Chain

I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I love platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn that let me keep up with people I truly value as friends and colleagues, even as we move on to new stages in our lives ...


Choosy Users May Ditch Facebook for Smaller Social Networks

With more than 600 million members and counting, Facebook is the world's largest social networking community. Lately, however, a lot of people have concluded that this community is too large for their tastes ...


How Long Can Apple Stay on Top?

In a bit of non-Earth-shattering news, Apple this week was deemed the world's most valuable consumer brand ...


The Sony Wake-up Call: Time to Get Serious About Data Protection

Most of the talk about protecting users' privacy on the Web has centered on preventing the collection of information that would aid companies in creating targeted ad campaigns ...

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