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Results 1-3 of 3 for Raghuram Putcha

10 Commandments for Large Business and IT Transformation, Part 3

Part 1 of this three-part series looks at a real-world case of IT transformation breakdown and explores the causes for the failure. Part 2 explores the first five "commandments" for successful management of a transformation program ...


10 Commandments for Large Business and IT Transformation, Part 2

Part 1 of this three-part series looks at a real-world case of IT transformation breakdown and explores the causes for the failure ...


10 Commandments for Large Business and IT Transformation, Part 1

Real-life Scenario: A Fortune 100 company decided to revamp its Information Technology (IT) application landscape as part of its business strategy to improve profitability. The company embarked on a mission to realize the vision, and a large business and IT transformation initiative was under way. ...

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