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Results 1-15 of 15 for Martin Stone

Canadian Study Finds E-Shoppers Less Loyal

Encouraging online shopping leads to declining loyalty, fewer referrals and lower profits as users negotiate Web sites that "would give Kafka pause," according to a report conducted by a Canadian research firm ...

Report: Japan Net Users Too Lax on Security

Japan's rush to soar into cyberspace reportedly made it easy for hackers to attack government Web sites last month, and the country's vulnerability is reflected in similar attacks on major U.S. sites this week ...

Oregon Stings Four Web Tobacco Dealers for Minor Sales

Attorneys General in 17 states have launched undercover operations against online tobacco dealers with the latest results being four Web smoke vendors reportedly agreeing to ban sales to under-age buyers in Oregon ...

Bush Dead Last in Online Fundraising

Republican presidential hopeful and Texas Governor George W. Bush has shattered traditional fundraising records, but is reportedly dead last with online contributions ...

McCain Gains Big Online Bucks, Goes For More

An online fund-raising campaign has reportedly paid big bucks for U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) in his run for the Republican nomination in the upcoming presidential race, and his organizers are preparing for more via a live streaming fund-raiser on February 10th ...

Sony Puts Net PlayStation Games in 7-Eleven

Sony Corp. (NYSE:SNE) reportedly announced today it has signed a deal with Japan's largest network of convenience stores to distribute PlayStation games sold on the Internet ...

DoubleClick Accused of Double-Dealing Double-Cross

Washington-based watchdog organization the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) has launched a hard-line campaign against an alleged effort by online advertising service DoubleClick, Inc. (Nasdaq:DCLK) to track individual identities and actions online and tie them to offline behavior ...

U.S. To Pressure China on Crypto Rules

The U.S. government reportedly will take its concerns about China's proposed encryption disclosure rules to the six-day World Economic Forum conference getting underway in Davos, Switzerland ...

China Puts Happy Face on New Net Rules

China has sent ripples of distress through the Internet community with a variety of new rules concerning state secrets and encryption, but is seeking today to reassure foreign investors that the regulations will not limit the free exchange of online information ...

Net Health Spending To Take Hearty Upturn

A study to be released today reportedly says that a growing demand for prescription drugs will propel online spending for healthcare products and services to $9.8 billion (US$) by 2004 ...

Food Giants To Sell Groceries Via Webvan

Five high-profile food firms reportedly will announce today an alliance with online grocer to promote their products into virtual shopping carts ...

RIAA Files Copyright Suit Against

Online music provider, Inc. (Nasdaq:MPPP) has been slapped with a copyright lawsuit initiated by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the company confirmed Friday ...

Cybercrime Growing Harder To Prosecute

U.S. Justice Department officials reportedly called computer crime a growing menace to corporations worldwide, and admitted that law enforcement agents face major hurdles in combating it ...

Canadian Concerns Canvass for ‘Cybercourt’

A coalition of Canadian business leaders hopes to turn Canada into the Switzerland of the Internet, according to a Wall Street Journal report today ...

Report: Prosecutors Propose Microsoft Breakup Plan

Prosecutors attempting to decide the fate of Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT) following a court finding that the software giant constitutes a monopoly, reportedly have suggested a break-up of the company into at least two separate components ...

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