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Results 1-5 of 5 for Lisa Klink

Microsoft Preps 3 Critical Fixes for Patch Tuesday Release

Microsoft plans to issue seven security updates -- three of which are rated "critical" -- in its monthly Patch Tuesday release next week ...

Los Angeles Mad as Hell at Time Warner

Los Angeles City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo has filed a civil lawsuit against Time Warner Cable, alleging it deceived and ripped off its subscribers, providing inferior service for months ...

Hong Kong Tops McAfee’s Riskiest Web Domains Chart

The Hong Kong domain (.hk) is the riskiest Internet destination for Web surfers, according to a McAfee report released Wednesday ...

Wikia Search Invites Users to Stir the Pot

Wikia Search -- the open source search engine Wikia initially launched in January -- got a fresh start Tuesday. The refurbished version lets users edit, comment on and influence search results ...

Facebook Embroiled in Canadian Privacy Controversy

The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) has accused Facebook, a popular social networking site, of violatingCanadian privacy laws ...

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