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Results 1-6 of 6 for Kurt Cagle

The Rise and Fall of Traditional Journalism

This story was originally published on May 11, 2009, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series. ...

The Rise and Fall of Traditional Journalism, Part 5

Part 1 of this series sketches the history of journalism in the U.S. from the pre-Revolutionary era to the present day.Part 2 recalls the emergence of the Internet and the growth of the long tail of online advertising. Part 3 delves into the rise of social media.Part 4 traces the growth of communities of interest ...

The Rise and Fall of Traditional Journalism, Part 4

Part 1 of this series sketches the history of journalism in the U.S. from the pre-Revolutionary era to the present day.Part 2 recalls the emergence of the Internet and the growth of the long tail of online advertising. Part 3 delves into the rise of social media ...

The Rise and Fall of Traditional Journalism, Part 3

Part 1 of this series sketches the history of journalism in the U.S. from the pre-Revolutionary era to the present day.Part 2 recalls the emergence of the Internet and the growth of the long tail of online advertising ...

The Rise and Fall of Traditional Journalism, Part 2

Part 1 of this series sketches the history of journalism in the U.S. from the pre-Revolutionary era to the present day ...

The Rise and Fall of Traditional Journalism, Part 1

The term "journalism" conjures up powerful memories for many people. For some, it's the epic confrontation between Edward R. Murrow and Sen. Joe McCarthy, which ultimately led to the senator's downfall and the end of the Red Scare. For others, it's Walter Cronkite, whose stentorian tones and skill in telling the story served to chronicle the 1960s, earning him the sobriquet of the "Most Trusted Man in America." Still others can point to Bob Woodward's coverage of Watergate during the 1970s, which ultimately forced President Richard Nixon to resign in disgrace. Indeed, Woodward's role may have spawned a number of TV shows and movies over the years in which reporters and journalists are featured heavily...

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