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Results 1-20 of 40 for Gene Koprowski

Selling Online Gaming Operations Could Boost Illinois Schools

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich wants to sell the entire Illinois lottery -- including the emerging online ticket sales operation -- to fund education for Illinois residents. The plan is generating opposition from expected, and unexpected, quarters, but don't count me among the opponents -- just yet ...


IPTV: A ‘Multi-Billion Dollar’ Industry? Or Mere Hype?

A lot of major technology industry players -- from Microsoft to Alcatel -- are investing heavily in Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), with the belief that the medium is ready to truly emerge as a competitor to cable. A new study, out this week, by a think tank in Washington, D.C., adds to the atmosphere of hype, claiming that IPTV is going to be a "multi-billion dollar industry" in the "very near term."


Momentum for Global Internet Regulation Mounting

Is momentum for worldwide regulation of the Internet mounting? Unfortunately, the answer to that horrid question is "yes." Last November, a worldwide political pact calling for "increased international involvement" in the creation of Internet governance policies -- and inter-government cooperation -- emerged at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis...


Marketing Tools Battle Budding for Mobile Phones

Which mobile marketing technology is most effective? Is it short message service (SMS), or instant dialing? Evidence is now emerging that can help advertising agencies -- and brand marketers -- determine which direct marketing technology is best for persuading consumers ...

Cell Phone Makers Find Success With Ultra-Slim Clamshell Design

Motorola, Nokia and other handset developers are generating plenty of kudos for the designs of sleek, new clamshell mobile phones, but there is less innovation, and more marketing flash, there than meets the eye, experts tell TechNewsWorld ...

More E-Mail, IM Attacks, Fewer Viruses Last Month

Research from two separate messaging consultancies indicates that e-mail and instant messaging attacks continued apace in the month of March, but the number of viruses detected surprisingly declined ...

Many ‘Addicted’ to Cell Phone Use

Are you addicted to using your mobile phone? Many people are these days. A recent AOL-Pew Research Center Mobile Lifestyle Survey revealed that 52 percent of American adults surveyed keep their cell phone turned on all the time while 40 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 29 are saying that they are increasingly likely to drop their landline once and for all...

Study: Mobile Phone Carriers’ Profit Margins Surging

Profit margins for American and Canadian mobile phone carriers are soaring -- having reached the highest point this decade during the fourth quarter of last year ...

Cell Phone Services Vendors Banking on Mobile Gaming Apps

His name is Jack Bauer. He's a federal agent, and he has almost no time left to complete his urgent assignment for the President of the United States. So, he's going to have to kill you if you don't cooperate ...

Firms Must Learn to Manage Multiple Messaging Formats

Call it messaging, multiplied. As the number of modes of delivering messages increases to include e-mail, IM, VoIP, text messaging and voicemail, so do the volumes and different types of messages that companies must manage ...

Machine-to-Machine Communications Still Mired in Hype

The hype surrounding machine-to-machine communications -- known by the acronym M2M -- is surpassed only by the expense of network transport and the "exorbitant process" of integrating M2M modules into the machines they will monitor ...


Time to Stop Blaming People for the Dot-Com Bust

Former Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) banker Frank Quattrone -- who became a poster boy for all of the excesses of the dot-com era on Wall Street -- recently had his conviction for obstruction of justice overturned by a U.S. Appeals Court in New York City ...

Cable Regulations May Be Ripe for Renovation

Is it time to completely replace cable regulation -- rules as dated as black and white televisions? That's the argument being made by economists before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ...


Blog Battles: ‘Netroots’ Campaigning Making Politicians Sweat

Back in 1996, I was fortunate enough to be one of the first journalists to cover a national political convention online. This was the Democrat National Convention (DNC) in Chicago -- where Bill Clinton was nominated for President for a second time. I covered the event for, a site published by Wired magazine. In those days, not so long ago, really, we were excited to be reporting about politics, in real-time, on the Internet...

Developers Eye Growing ‘Hands Free’ Mobile Technology Market

As states and other government jurisdictions continue to enact -- and enforce -- restrictions on the use of cell phones while driving, consumers are suddenly demanding more, easy ways to access their mobile phones and improve their safety ...

Study: Domain Sales Volume Increased by 68 Percent Last Year

As the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is making news this week with the debut of new industry- and country-specific Top Level Domain extensions, the overall market for domain names continues to burgeon dramatically, pointing to continual, solid growth in the global Internet economy ...

DTV Deadline Driving Growth of Pay-Per-View Content

Unlimited, uncensored access to video featuring Howard Stern may or may not be the epitome of the new era of digital television. Nevertheless the pay television service "Howard TV" and similar offerings are emerging rapidly as the government's deadline requiring conversion from analog to digital TV broadcasting approaches ...


Online Advertising Beginning to Fulfill Its Promise

For more than a decade, marketers have promised that the Internet was going to be a key way that consumers would experience their brands -- someday ...

Mobile Phone Makers Engage in Technological Arms Race

A new chip material -- silicon-on-sapphire -- is starting to make an impact on the way mobile phone handsets are produced, helping to fuel a technological "arms race" in the mobile industry, recent research suggests ...

Child Pornography a Growing Global Problem

Child pornography on the Internet is a growing problem for countries around the world, new research suggests ...

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