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Results 1-20 of 20 for Ed Lee

Consumers Teaming With Hackers on Payment Fraud Schemes

"There is a misconception that fraud actors are all located overseas. While that certainly may be true for some, what we are seeing with the democratization of fraud is that fraud is alive and well domestically," advised Lee 'Card Hopping' To Avoid Detection...


A New Twist to Virtual Desktop Cloud Computing

The U.S.-based startup went online in the first quarter of last year. Since then, CEO and founder Alex Lee has been drumming up favorable responses from businesses, casual users, and Linux developers. The cloud computing alternative to Chromebooks and aging computers is also becoming an attractive offering to schools, noted Lee...

7 Tips for Highly Effective Content Marketing

"It's not about you," stressed Lee Frederiksen, managing partner at Hinge Marketing "Be sure you stay focused on the issues your client is facing and that you can be of assistance with," he told the E-Commerce Times. "Don't start talking about what you do and how you do it, [b...

Container Runtime Brings Greater Flexibility to Kubernetes and BOSH

As customers move more of their workloads to container-based systems, management and orchestration of those containers becomes increasingly important, observed Lee Atchison, senior director of strategic architecture at New Relic. "The industry as a whole has recognized the n...


The Subscription Economy’s Maturation

The new rules, ASC 606 (U.S.) and IFRS 15 (Europe), begin going into effect next December. As I've written previously, Zuora has acquired Leeyo, a revenue recognition specialist company, to prepare its customers for the transition. It's not the first acquisition for Zuora, which steadily has been innovating and acquiring businesses as needed to build out its platform and support the subscription economy...

Data Watchdog Cautions Google and UK Health Partner

Patient information must be given the highest level of protection within an organization, argued Lee Kim, privacy and security director at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society "But there must be a balance between restrictions and availability of the data,"...

The Grim Upward Trajectory of Mobile Fraud Risks

Merchants that have a high volume of mobile-based sales "should consider the use of the Address Verification System and require the three-digit CVV number when taking payment via debit or credit card," suggested Lee Munson, security researcher at Comparitech. Yet it is impor...

Hollywood Hospital Succumbs to Hacker Shakedown

If a ransom is paid, it should be done with caution, observed Lee Kim, director of privacy and security for theHealthcare Information and Management Systems Society "In the best-case scenario, you will get the decryption key," she told TechNewsWorld....

Researcher’s Demo Sheds Doubt on Fitbit Security

"To some extent, the researcher is making a mountain out of a mole hill," remarked Lee Ratliff, principal analyst for low power wireless at IHS Technology "She had to do a lot of serious reverse engineering on this," he told TechNewsWorld. "I can understand the motivation for ...

Android Tablets and Windows 8: Let the Games Begin

This will involve more than a mere software upgrade from Windows 7 for users, however. Adopting Windows 8 will be a big step up from the previous desktop OS, noted Lee. Windows 7 is not primarily designed as a tablet operating system, and Microsoft is only in its infancy with...


Enterprise Storage: IT’s Next Revolution

Enterprise storage is currently in the midst of a great transformation the likes of which has not been seen in well over two decades. There's been an unprecedented amount of activity in the storage space this year, with a host of promising new companies launching, and major storage vendors beginning to drastically retool their architectures to accommodate the modern IT realities of virtualization and cloud computing.

Mzinga Puts the Community Platform Puzzle Pieces Together

It also needed to solidify its code base along with developing astraightforward, coherent strategy, added Lees With those issues in the past, OmniSocial is an appealing package, hesaid. "What I particularly like is how it allows clients to deploy theapplication. A company can ...


Large Tech Firms: Beware of Obama Administration’s Antitrust Plans

In April, the Maryland legislature passed a new law that effectively reversed Leegin and reinstated the per se rule for minimum resale price schemes that affected sales in Maryland, including Internet sales to Maryland consumers by companies that have no physical presence in the state. Several members of Congress are on record as seeking similar federal legislation...

Google Emerges From Brownout With Jazzed-Up News Pages

"Google is crossing thresholds in terms of becoming a provider for content sources in addition to being an aggregator," noted Lee. "This does not benefit content providers -- because the information flow is broken in terms of directing users to content sources -- but rather ...

Low-Cost OLPC Laptop Hits Assembly Line

Given that OLPC is already a year behind its original schedule, "everyone who's been following the story is very skeptical about the ship date" as well, added Lee Felsenstein, a spokesperson for the Fonly Institute, which works to bring computing to "ordinary people." Indeed, ...

Bare-Bones OpenOffice PC in Wal-Mart’s Back-to-School Bin

"This is very encouraging," agreed Lee Felsenstein, spokesperson for the Fonly Institute, which works to bring computing to "ordinary people." "I think it's an indication that the $300 price point is real, and that we can expect more coming in this price area," Felsenstein tol...

Yahoo Reaches for Relevancy With New ‘Smart’ Ads

The system could bring some much-needed ingenuity to marketing departments, added Lee "I hope that it breaks the online advertising world out of thinking about all consumers as the same," he said. "Marketers generally don't create more than just a couple of creative options fo...

Intel Partners With Chinese Web Search Giant

Intel's announcement comes nearly a year after Google's decision to open a product research and development center in China. Google hired respected computer scientist and industry pioneer Dr. Kai-Fu Lee from Microsoft to lead the operation and serve as president of the company's growing Chinese operations last July. Google hoped Lee could help it catch Baidu in the world's second-largest online market...


A Leet Primer

The rise of online wiki systems and blogs allowing many-to-many communications has encouraged leet popularity outside gamer and hacker circles, while also providing mechanisms for leet's rapid mutation. In the wiki world, inventive individuals can coin new leet terms and have them accepted globally in a matter of days...

V-ONE Servers to Ship Linux-Ready

Designed for ease of installation and use, IXS targets companies of any size who are looking to secure their business functions conducted over the Internet -- including those wishing to establish an e-commerce operation. V-ONE customer Ed Lee, vice president in charge of applications development for TYC Associates, commented that IXS allows his company "to access files, e-mail and databases without any problem." ...

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