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Results 1-20 of 220 for Dana Gardner

SAP Gets New Stairway to the Cloud With Ariba Buy

"This really improves SAP's capabilities to compete against Oracle and others," Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions, told the E-Commerce Times This type of purchase is one SAP has to make if it wants to remain competitive, said Gardner....

Microsoft and Yahoo: Will They or Won’t They?

"Advertising hasn't been as important lately as social network benefits, and having information online. Something like Facebook has become much more valuable than just providing news and search. Yahoo has sort of dropped the ball and missed in the social networking, cloud services, mobile and Web components that are so important now," Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions told the E-Commerce Times...


Microsoft- Nokia Tag Team: Mobile or Bust

Given what they are and where they have been, there's little logical reason for Microsoft not dominating the mobile smartphone computing landscape. And it should have been a done-deal in many global major markets at least four years ago ...


HP’s New Cloud on the Block

Recently, HP fully threw its hat into the public cloud-computing ring, joining the likes of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and IBM, to provide a full range of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings hosted on HP data centers ...

Have It Your Way: Building a Cloud With Platform ISF 2.1

Platform Computing last week released Platform ISF 2.1, which improves ease of use and automation for building and managing enterprise private clouds ...


The Mobile, Social Enterprise Cloud

Back in the mid-1990s, then Microsoft CEO Bill Gates offered a prophetic observation. ...


The Developer Dance at its Dreamforce conference in San Francisco today debuted a database in the cloud service,, that combines attractive heterogeneous features for a virtual data tier for developers of all commercial, technical and open source persuasions ...


The Real Killer App Inside Chatter

They say we have big brains because we have all needed to work better together over the past 150,000 years. The more people work together, the more tools they need to make collaboration a productive art, rather than a befuddled mess ...


IT’s Profound Economic Sea Change

Gut-wrenching recessions have a way of changing things ... for people, families and companies. They can also, perhaps like no other event, provoke change in large IT vendors like HP, IBM, TIBCO and Oracle ...

SAP Puts Its Money Where Its Mobile Ambitions Are in Sybase Deal

In fact, SAP, Sybase and their end-users are likely to see far greater advantages from the acquisition than gaining traction in the mobile space, Dana Gardner, principal analystInterarbor Solutions, told the E-Commerce Times. "What intrigues me about this deal is that the companies fit together at a several places -- there are a number of complementary areas besides mobile."


IBM’s Cast Iron Metacloud Strategy

Looking to improve its ability to integrate across various cloud ecosystems, IBM on Monday bought integration services provider Cast Iron Systems ...


Fixing IT’s Personality Problem

I'm not saying that IT departments have a PR problem, but when was the last time you saw a button saying, "Hug an IT person today"? ...

OPINION’s Jigsaw Buy: The End of Advertising?'s buy of Jigsaw is the latest, most indicative market mover in the transition to a lead generation economy ...

Cutting Through the Fog to Get to the Cloud

One of the biggest questions facing companies today is what to make of cloud computing. Does it signal a major shift in how we approach IT -- and the business -- or is it just another ride on the hype wave that will disappear if we just wait it out? ...

Windows Azure Graduates Into the Commercial World

"We've certainly seen that developers are one of the hottest constituencies for cloud computing, and that makes this a natural fit for Microsoft because there's such a large universe of developers using its Visual Studio products," Dana Gardner, principal analyst with Interarbor Solutions, told the E-Commerce Times.

Giving Telcos a Ladder to the Cloud

HP has significantly elevated its efforts to become an indispensable full-service supplier to cloud computing aspirants, especially telecommunications, mobile and Internet service providers ...


IBM Weaves Cloud, Appliance, BPM, CEP and SOA Into One Fabric

Wasting no time in bringing a needed cohesion across its products and solutions, IBM on Monday at its IMPACT 2009 event in Las Vegas unveiled a cloud-based business process modeling (BPM) service, tighter alignment with Amazon, better complex event processing (CEP) integration, reintroduced a WebSphere private cloud appliance and double-downed on a slew of its industry framework solutions...

Panda Floats New Cloud-Based Security Tool

Not having full antimalware functionality when not on the Internetshould not be a concern, according to Dana Gardner, principal analystat Interarbor Solutions "The offline cache does quite a bit of checking," Gardner told TechNewsWorld. "Something new canonly cause an infectio...


Let the IT Land Grab Begin

The reported acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle makes a ton more sense than IBM's earlier failed bid. This new compact, if it succeeds, will bring as good an end to an independent Sun as the pioneering (yet long flagging) IT vendor could have hoped for at this sorry stage in its history ...

Huge Cloud Data Crunching for the Masses

Amazon's announcement of a cloud-based data mining and analysis service, using the eHadoop implementation of MapReduce, potentially opens advanced business intelligence (BI) activities to many more businesses and organizations. It's an excellent example of just how much cloud computing can change the world ...

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