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Results 1-7 of 7 for Brian T. Horowitz

Google, VMware Give App Devs More Platform Options

Google has taken a major step toward providing more platform choices for Java developers with the unveiling of Google App Engine for Business at the Google I/O conference this week ...

FTC to Look Into Copy Machine Privacy Breakdown

The Federal Trade Commission has respondedto an April 29 letter from Rep. Edward J. Markey, D-Mass., expressing concerns about sensitive data stored on digital copiers' hard drives. Markey's letter followed CBS News' April 19 airing of a report on its investigation into the matter. ...

HP’s New Laptop Lineup Leans Heavily on AMD

HP has announced a spring product rollout that includes 14 notebooks powered by AMD. The PCs span all user categories from enterprise to consumer ...

Activision Gets In On Bungie’s Next Wild Ride

Activision Blizzard has struck a 10-year deal that gives it worldwide rights to publish and distribute the next big action game universe fromBungie, the developer behind "Halo" and other popular game franchises. ...

SC Agrees to Consider Constitutionality of Violent Video Game Law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to review a California law banning the sale of violent video games to minors. ...

Library of Congress to House Billions and Billions of Tweets

Next time you tweet, you may want to consider your role in history. The Library of Congress plans to archive all public posts from Twitter, dating back to the 2006 debut of the popular social networking service ...

The Mighty Fall at Pwn2Own

Three security experts tore into three Web browsers on Wednesday, the first day of the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver, exposing flaws on a MacBook, iPhone and Windows PC, and winning cash and hardware in the process ...

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