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Results 120-126 of 126 for Jim Offner

Amazon’s Shot at iTunes Heard Round the World is taking its digital music store to the world -- a necessary move if the online retailer hopes to compete with a digital giant like iTunes ...

Can Healthy Web Site Traffic Save Newspapers?

Fewer people are thumbing through newspapers, but more than ever are clicking on them, according to the latest industry findings -- and that trend appears to be on an upward spiral, with no end in sight ...

A Broken Record: Global Music Biz Losing War on Piracy

The global music industry is winning some sales battles, but online piracy continues to pummel it in a larger war ...

Flagging Cell Phone Sales Darken Motorola’s Q4 Report

In telephone parlance, any tangible progress Motorola was hoping to make in the fiercely competitive cellular phone business is on hold, as its newest products have failed to connect with consumers ...

Whitman’s Rumored eBay Exit: A Win-Win Proposition?

If Meg Whitman validates media reports that she is exiting the CEO post at eBay, she will depart with the glow of having finished a masterful job of transforming an obscure San Jose, Calif.-based auction site into an archetypal business model with yearly global sales of nearly US$6 billion ...

Sanyo Offloads Mobile Phone Unit to Shore Up Core Biz

Sanyo has traded off a little in a crowded mobile technology field to gain a lot in its core business, with the sale of its lagging mobile phone operations to Kyocera ...

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