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Results 81-100 of 178 for Theodore F. di Stefano

Mortgage Meltdown: What Does It Mean?

As of this writing, the financial markets are in turmoil due to extremely high delinquencies on so-called sub-prime mortgages. These are the mortgages made in the last few years by aggressive mortgage banking companies that were able to "bundle" the risky debts into packages and then sell them to mutual funds and other institutional investors ...


Reducing Carbon Footprints

There is a great deal of talk today about our carbon footprint -- referring to greenhouse gas emissions caused by industry and/or consumers -- and how critical it is to our planet to reduce these emissions ...


Domain Names: The Latest Real Estate Deals

Many of us have thought of "locking up" a killer domain name or Web address. Then, all we'd have to do is find a buyer. Some people with whom I speak tell me that all of the good domain names have been registered. Personally, I think that an enterprising and savvy person can still make a big score in online "real estate." ...


Why Startups Fail

A survey done by the U.S. Commerce Department stated that of every 10 small businesses, seven will survive their first year, three will still be going after three years and only two will remain after five years. These are quite startling numbers and really beg the question: "Why do startups fail?" ...


Healthcare, Computers and the Bottom Line

Technology has finally made its impact on medical practices. In order to achieve greater efficiencies within their office and administrative staff, many physicians have now gone from paper to computer. Additionally, diagnoses and delivery of quality patient care are greatly enhanced with the assistance of technology ...


A Single Global Currency

Since Europe enacted the euro as its common currency, there has been increased discussion about whether or not the world would benefit from a single global currency. At this point, the proponents seem to have a substantial edge; but like anything else, there are proponents and there are detractors ...


How to Make Best Use of Your Rule 144 Stock

It is quite common for people affiliated with a startup to receive Rule 144 stock in lieu of cash or readily tradable stock. This type of stock is usually issued by a company that is either about to go public or has recently gone public ...


Cyberattacks: Are Virtual Wars Next?

This past May, the country of Estonia was hit hard by what its authorities called a "virtual war." This war took the form of an attack on the country's computer infrastructure ...


When a Board Member Should Worry

Since the passage of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) in 2002, board members have become increasingly aware of potential liabilities to board service. Though much of this worry is unfounded, some things still should be watched closely ...


Web 2.0 Weds the Cell Phone

Social networking is the best-known use of the Web 2.0 -- just consider the popularity of MySpace and YouTube. Today, Web sites are so interactive and collaborative, we now have a new way of communicating and staying in touch ...


The Executive Summary: The Key to Raising Capital

The executive summary is rarely given the importance that it deserves. Too often, companies seeking to raise capital focus all of their attention on their business plan. The fact is, investment bankers and venture capitalists view literally thousands of executive summaries. For this reason, one must get the immediate attention of the investor in order to assure that he or she will definitely read the business plan...


Web 2.0: A Marketer’s Dream

Every company wants to obtain the greatest possible yield from its marketing dollars. Corporations are constantly trying to determine better ways to direct their advertising dollars in order to more efficiently target potential customers. It now appears that there is a solution that will bring about the greatest possible efficiency to marketing and advertising spending -- the Web 2.0 and social networking...


Enterprise Risk Management and the Boardroom

Just when directors thought that no more could possibly be expected of them -- especially after the enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) -- they are now confronted with a new acronym: ERM (enterprise risk management) ...


Social Networking: A Web 2.0 Revolution

Before YouTube and MySpace, the Web 2.0 was neither as widely used, nor as widely known. At that time, companies that needed online collaboration and file sharing were its main users ...


Power Negotiating

We all negotiate one thing or another almost on a daily basis. When you negotiate, you are trying to achieve a goal through discussion and compromise. Typically, both elements have to be present in order to arrive at a successful outcome. Therefore, you must be able to communicate and be willing to compromise ...


Electronic Portals: The New Generation of Board Preparation

Traditionally, preparation for board meetings has involved an enormous amount of time, expense, and stress. There are always last-minute items that have to be incorporated into the board book -- that heavy package that goes to board members and their support staff before a meeting ...


itLinkz: Market-Specific Social Networking

We've all heard of YouTube and MySpace, but there's a new and exciting social networking site: What makes this site unique is that it will contain hundreds of sites that target specific market segments ...


Stock Option Scandal: Focus on Silicon Valley?

Most of us are quite aware of a new, brewing scandal -- the stock option scandal. It has been revealed that some companies have "cooked the books" when it came to reporting dates of stock option grants ...


Enron: Could It Happen Again?

As the Enron story gradually begins to fade from the news, one has to wonder if such an economic debacle could happen again. As a result of Enron, WorldCom and other corporate scandals, there are now former top executives from several major corporations who, since they probably won't live long enough to serve out their time, have been given what amounts to a life sentence...

Webinars: Getting Your Message Out

In the late 1990s, a new application appeared on the World Wide Web. It allowed people from different places and different time zones the opportunity to simultaneously view a slide show, commonly PowerPoint, and to hear a speaker explain the details behind each slide ...

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