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Results 81-100 of 1059 for Jeff Kagan

T-Mobile Starts Building Low-Band Wireless Network in the Sticks

"T-Mobile has seen rapid growth in recent years," observed Jeff Kagan, an independent telecom analyst. The one area where it has not grown is the rural U.S., he told the E-Commerce Times.


What Will Rise From Uber’s Ashes?

There has been quite a bit of churn in the waters around Uber during the last few years. Now that founder Travis Kalanick is no longer CEO, what does the future look like for the company, workers, drivers, investors and customers? Will Uber continue to grow and lead, or has it seen its best days? ...


How Amazon Is Transforming Retail

Amazon's plan to buy Whole Foods Market has raised many new questions. If the company is successful in making the acquisition, and then successful in operating the business, it could transform the entire grocery industry. ...


Amazon’s Echo Show: The Future Is Here

Amazon recently launched its Echo Show, which brings a visual screen to its smart speaker device. The screen changes the Echo experience quite a bit, and I wonder whether we're ready to start living in what seems like a futuristic Star Trek world ...

Microsoft Aims to Boost Internet Connectivity in US Heartland

Every once in a while, Microsoft -- whose operating system for desktop computers has dominated the industry for years -- takes on an initiative that is beyond its comfort zone, said independent telecom analyst Jeff Kagan. "The future of Microsoft's business lies in several di...

At 10, the World-Changing iPhone Is Kind of the Same

"The iPhone ushered in a new way of connecting -- connecting with each other by voice, video, text, social networks and so on," said telecommunications industry analyst Jeff Kagan "The iPhone is much more than just connecting with each other, and it has created an entirely n...


Netflix Climbs the Growth Wave as Cable TV Slides

Things change quickly. A few short years ago, Netflix was nothing more than a mail order Blockbuster-type video rental business. Since then, it has been growing rapidly and changing. Believe it or not, Netflix today has more U.S. subscribers than cable TV. That's an amazing accomplishment for Netflix -- and a major hit to traditional cable television...


The Best Wireless Service and Smartphone

During a recent grocery checkout conversation, it came up that I was a wireless analyst, and the cashier asked me which was the best wireless service and best smartphone. This is a question I get frequently, and though it seems straightforward, it's difficult to answer ...

Facebook’s Original Programming Plans Take Shape

"We are watching Facebook move into the video space," said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan "They have a large number of users, and to see continued growth they must continue to push the envelope," he told the E-Commerce Times....


Comcast Rolls the Dice With Xfinity Instant TV

Comcast has led the way in cable television ever since it acquired AT&T Broadband a decade ago. However, in recent years, new technologies -- like IPTV and wireless TV from new competitors like AT&T and DirecTV Now -- have been eating away at Comcast's growth. ...


Charter’s Wireless Play

Ever wonder how the cable television industry would get back into the wireless business? Charter Spectrum has announced it will resell Comcast's Xfinity Mobile wireless service to customers inside its region. The good news is that this deal lets Charter get quick access to wireless without competing with Comcast ...

Hulu Aims to Reinvent Live TV Experience

The cable television industry is at a critical juncture with new live-streaming video services attracting cable subscribers, said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan. At the end of 2016, more than 49 million homes subscribed to at least one OTT service, representing 53 percent of U.S....


C Spire’s Place Among Cable TV Challengers

Cable TV has been facing mounting attacks from new technologies and new competitors. C Spire recently joined the action, announcing plans to enter the pay-TV space. ...


Will Amazon Go Reinvent Retail?

Every time I walk into a retail store, I complain. I grumble to my wife about the same pet peeve every time we go shopping. ...

Qualcomm Answers Apple’s $1B Lawsuit, Files Counterclaims

"My understanding is that Qualcomm's fees were passed along to Apple through a third-party company that Apple does business with," said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan "Then, I hear, Apple refused to pay those fees," he told the E-Commerce Times, "and that started the whole ball of...

What Is Verizon Promising With Its New Oath?

Verizon is transforming itself into a marketing company that uses its wireless assets to reach customers, noted telecom analyst Jeff Kagan. Verizon's decision to create a new overall brand for its content business was a logical next step, he told TechNewsWorld....


A Solution for the Uber CEO’s Anger Problem

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has earned a reputation for having a short fuse. In addition to his apparent personal anger management issues, there are the stresses that come with running a giant company -- and Uber recently has been losing executives. When it rains, it pours. What's happening with Kalanick, and can Uber recover its mojo? ...


Verizon Wakes Up to Join Mobile TV Race

Following decades of slow movement due to cable companies facing no competition, the television world is changing rapidly. Lots of challengers have arisen in the pay-TV space in recent years. One of the latest comes from Verizon, which has improved its FiOS mobile app to offer data-free streaming ...


Time to Get Serious About IoT Cybersecurity

Both companies and individuals will have incredible opportunities ahead with the Internet of Things. IoT is starting to combine with artificial intelligence, cloud-based services, and many other new segments, creating a very fertile growing field. ...

Nokia 3310 Pushes Nostalgia Buttons

It's possible that HMD sees an opening in the global market due to Samsung's recent Galaxy Note7 troubles and other reliability issues, and wants to strike when the iron is hot, suggested telecom analyst Jeff Kagan "This throwback to the year 2000 gets them a lot of media atte...

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