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Results 81-100 of 220 for Dana Gardner

The Power of Second Life

It took about an hour before I finally switched from thinking that my initial experiences with Second Life were a waste of time, to actually finding them being productive in new ways ...

Open Source Developer Dumps Novell Over Microsoft Deal

The departure of Allison does not bode well for Novell, which cannotback out of its deal with Microsoft, but faces hardship in itsrelationship with the community, Interarbor Solutions Principal AnalystDana Gardner told LinuxInsider "You have to take his comments with some exam...

Financial Firms Tap Microsoft for Linux

It is no secret that IT customers are using both Windows and Linux, wantmore integrated support and interoperability, and would like to removeor mitigate IP issues whenever possible, Interarbor Solutions PrincipalAnalyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider However, he noted that it...


It’s SOA No Matter What They Say

Have you heard what a certain software company has been saying about next-generation IT development and deployment strategies? ...

Google Opens Ajax Web Toolkit

The search software leader also brings a well-known, well-respected brand to open source software, creating a powerful combination, Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider "Google's in a great position to use its place in the market, its brand awa...

Linux Developers Lean Toward IBM’s Power Platform

With Power -- which previously was Apple's processor platform -- IBM has created synergy among developers, operators, architects and othersthanks to Big Blue's global scale and industry strength, Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider "With just ...

Open Enterprise Server 2 Offers NetWare Users a Future Path

As with other independent software vendors (ISVs), Novell sees an opportunity in Microsoft's market share and installed base, Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider However, Novell is discovering that its alliance with the traditional nemesis of ...

Ubuntu Creator Urges Abandonment of OpenSuse

Despite Shuttleworth's call to patronize one Linux flavor over another, the Novell-Microsoft pact and discussion comes at a time when IT buyers may have more platform choices than ever, largely thanks to Linux, Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider...


For SOA Value, Focus on the Applications

Perhaps a savvy political operative tasked with designing the best go-to-market campaign for SOA (service-oriented architecture) would proclaim: "It's the applications, stupid!" ...

JBoss Jumps From App Server to Stack

By piecing together an open source story for SOA, which can now be deployed in JBoss components or in a more complete package, Red Hat is giving the market a major choice between open source and other vendors, including IBM, BEA and Oracle, Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider...

Sun Opens Java to Developers

Although Sun's announcement is applauded by developers, Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner emphasized that Sun's Java tools and the overall Java framework are not being opened "It's certainly a good [thing], but the control, management and governance is still ...

Adobe Contributes Flash Script to Mozilla

Adobe's move makes sense on a number of levels, and it gives Firefox users the comfort of rich-clientinterface capability without worry, Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider Adobe's effort to boost volume distribution of Flash will benefit from...

Can GPLv3 Corral Open Source Licenses?

"Technology has allowed more and more picking and choosing of components and using open standards like Web services to integrate. But with the variety of licenses, the simplicity can be subverted by licensing and copyright issues," Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider...

Microsoft Makes Nice With Novell’s Suse Linux

"The key is, Microsoft is trying to say if you're going to commingle Windows and Linux, it better be Suse," Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider. "Otherwise, it'll be a legal risk." Windows-Linux Love...

Microsoft Aligns With Open Source Vendor Zend, PHP

"This is a good fit," Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider. "It's an area where Microsoft can embrace open standards. This is the way developers prefer to work." Open Source on Windows...

‘Unbreakable’ vs. ‘Unfakeable’ Linux Battle Line Drawn

However, a common sentiment in the market is that some competition was needed to control Red Hat's "ability to price with impunity," Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider "It's really an assault on Red Hat's margins," the analyst said of Oracle'...

Sun CEO: Java Code Coming by Year End

"Clearly, I think (independent software vendors), developers and the Java community will be more receptive to 'let's get it done,' understand the terms, and work around a definitive timetable," Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider. "This is certainly more helpful and useful and valuable."

Adobe Lifts Lid on Flash Player 9 for Linux

"It's another maturation point for Linux on the desktop," Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider. "It's a pretty significant development in terms of encouragement of use of Linux on the desktop and for applications." Mostly the Same...

Microsoft Opens Virtual Hard Disk Specification

"This is Microsoft recognizing that virtualization is a force of nature at this point," Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider. "The question for Microsoft is how to make this something to continue to grow [its] business around." Diverse Design...

Sun, Laszlo Enter Mobile Platform Partnership

The deal adds to the momentum for both OpenLaszlo and Java ME, code and tools for which are among the first Java open source offerings to come from Sun this year. The arrangement also demonstrates the impact of open source development on mobile platforms, Interarbor Solutions Principal Analyst Dana Gardner told LinuxInsider...

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