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Results 981-1000 of 1059 for Jeff Kagan

AT&T Plans to Spend Millions to Re-Launch Brand

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that the campaign is meant not only to unveil the new AT&T, but to emphasize to customers, investors and others that the entire communications industry has changed dramatically "Telecom is not the same industry it was, and i...

AT&T Plans to Spend Millions to Re-Launch Brand

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that the campaign is meant not only to unveil the new AT&T, but to emphasize to customers, investors and others that the entire communications industry has changed dramatically "Telecom is not the same industry it was, and i...

AT&T Plans to Spend Millions to Re-Launch Brand

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that the campaign is meant not only to unveil the new AT&T, but to emphasize to customers, investors and others that the entire communications industry has changed dramatically "Telecom is not the same industry it was, and i...

Convergence Theme Prevalent in Today’s Telecom Marketplace

The five-team partnership seems quite natural. "Cable companies wanted to get into the wireless space but the other major network providers are already affiliated with wired telecommunications services providers, while Sprint is independent," noted Jeff Kagan, an independent telecommunications analyst...

Google Launches Mobile-Friendly Gmail

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that all Web companies want to extend their reach to the mobile phone as the device evolves from a communications tool to customers' "third screen," after the TV and PC "Companies like Google and Yahoo are entering the wirel...

Microsoft Partners With MCI on VoIP

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times the partnership reflects the uncertainty about how the VoIP market will shape up long-term and the need for major telecom and tech players to have exposure to different segments of the market "VoIP has matured quite a bit, b...

Comcast, Nortel and Cisco Team to Blend IP and TV Transmissions

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan said Comcast may already be previewing what the converged world will look like with its new lineup of family-friendly programming, also announced today "Most customers would choose the kind of bundles or programs that make sense for them as long as i...

Yahoo Takes Aim at Skype With VoIP Calling Feature

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that VoIP has gotten over many of its early problems -- poor quality and unreliability to name two-- and is now considered a legitimate alternative to landline phones "Internet companies, like Yahoo and eBay are getting into...


Cell Phones: A Love-Hate Relationship With Staying Power

Sprint also recently said it would undertake a massive revamp of its Sprint PCS stores, recognizing the inefficiencies in the way it has traditionally marketed its products. That move is especially encouraging, telecom analyst Jeff Kagan said, because there was nothing overtly wrong with the stores as is...

Cisco Buys Scientific-Atlanta in TV Play

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times the deal, which would have seemed surprising as recently as a year ago, now fits with the altered telecommunications landscape "This deal makes sense as telecom continues to change," Kagan said. "As telephone companies and c...

Cingular Aims for Boost in Mobile Web Use

Telcom analyst Jeff Kagan said in addition to the revenue boost that Web services can bring, mobile carriers know they represent a competitive advantage Though so-called churn rates have slowed, with customers jumping to new carriers less often, the risk of losing customers to...

Cingular Bids to Boost Mobile Web Use With New Features

Telcom analyst Jeff Kagan said in addition to the revenue boost that Web services can bring, mobile carriers know they represent a competitive advantage Though so-called churn rates have slowed, with customers jumping to new carriers less often, the risk of losing customers to...

AOL Joins TV-to-Web Fray With Classic Reruns

"The television industry is reinventing itself, the same way the telephone industry is reinventing itself and they are all blending," telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times. "This idea makes a lot of sense and could find a customer base "There will be quite a bit...

Yahoo, Google Gird for Mobile Battle

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that both companies' new mobile efforts are examples of "how the cell phone is changing and expanding from a phone to a wireless computing device "It is becoming the third screen," he said. "The television, the computer and ...

E-911 Bill Gives VoIP Firms Access, Time to Comply

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told TechNewsWorld that the break from FCC deadlines would help smaller VoIP firms that lacked the capital needed to put work-around systems in place in a short period of time. The FCC had already extended the deadline for compliance once, moving the date from August to November...

SBC to Adopt AT&T Brand Name

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that the decision was not an easy one for SBC, whose own name is a strong brand in the regional areas it serves "Both names have value," Kagan said. "But of all the names in telecom, only one has the history of AT&T."

SBC to Adopt AT&T Brand Name

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that the decision was not an easy one for SBC, whose own name is a strong brand in the regional areas it serves "Both names have value," Kagan said. "But of all the names in telecom, only one has the history of AT&T."

SBC to Adopt AT&T Brand Name

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that the decision was not an easy one for SBC, whose own name is a strong brand in the regional areas it serves "Both names have value," Kagan said. "But of all the names in telecom, only one has the history of AT&T."

Japanese Form Mobile Wallet Alliance

"Mobile carriers will push this kind of service because it will be what keeps them profitable in the long run," telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times "And if they build in the kind of security and privacy that people want, it will catch on eventually. People want convenience and this is just another type of convenience."

Motorola Sues Over Nortel’s CEO Hiring

Telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times that the new CEO faces a tough task ahead, especially since Nortel lost key time in the competitive race while it dealt with its in-house issues "Nortel is a good company, with happy customers and good products," Kagan said....

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