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Results 61-80 of 114 for Staff Writer

Yahoo Ventures into Enterprise IM Waters

In conjunction with WebEx, Yahoo is now taking orders for its Business Messenger service. The company will host a demonstration of the service during the Instant Messaging Planet Conference October 15th and 16th at the San Jose Convention Center ...

FTC Commissioner on the Future of E-Commerce

In mid-September, International Business Law Services (IBLS), a privately held company that provides global Internet legal services and acts as a clearinghouse for e-commerce-related legal information and resources, held its Strategic Global Summit for E-Commerce. ...


Apple’s War for the Windows Mainstream

In Part 1 of this story, "Apple's New Bid for Insane Greatness," we looked at the iTunes Music Store's (iTMS) potential in the digital music marketplace. The Mac Observer publisher Bryan Chaffin told the E-Commerce Times that Apple's coveted iPod will play a critical role in determining the degree of iTMS' success ...


Apple’s New Bid for Insane Greatness

Before the year is out, Apple Computer plans to launch a Windows version of its well-received iTunes Music Store (iTMS). The store's success thus far -- Apple has sold 10 million songs through the Mac-only version -- has renewed enthusiasm about the ability of legitimate digital music sellers to make inroads against the Kazaa juggernaut, especially in light of the RIAA's lawsuit campaign against users of the free file-sharing service...

@stake Uproots Geer’s Career After Anti-Microsoft Report

The chief technology officer of @stake, an IT security company with close ties to Microsoft, was reportedly sacked by his company just after he released a report critical of the Redmond, Washington-based software vendor ...

The Uphill Battle for 3G

Amid all the publicity WiFi has received in the last year, another high-speed mobile networking technology, known as 3G, appears to have been overlooked as a viable means for transmitting data wirelessly over the same types of air interfaces used in cell phones ...

IBM, GE Team Up on Enterprise Security

IBM and GE Interlogix, a division of General Electric that designs, develops and manufactures physical security devices, such as digital video systems and access control boxes, have announced they are teaming up to provide integrated security solutions to their customers ...

OS Wars: Solaris vs. Linux – Part 2

In part 1 of this two-part article, the E-Commerce Times explored Linux' potential to win market share from Solaris, Sun's proprietary version of Unix, as Linux is used to power ever more mission-critical functions ...

OS Wars: Solaris vs. Linux

Setting up the perfect enterprise server system architecture seemed pretty straightforward just a few years ago ...

Informatica Makes Mainframe Push with $62M Striva Buy

Informatica, a supplier of data integration and business intelligence solutions, has announced it plans to buy Striva Corporation in a cash-and-stock transaction worth about US$62 million ...

RIAA To Offer Reprieve for Music Swappers

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is planning to offer music downloaders a reprieve from prosecution, provided they adhere to certain conditions, according to published reports ...

As Good as It Gets for Linux?

As 2003 dawned, Linux seemed poised to take off. This low-cost, open-source alternative to proprietary Windows and Unix systems had grown so robust and reliable that Fortune 1,000 corporations -- entities not known for taking bold IT leaps -- were beginning to migrate to it en masse. Meanwhile, giant vendors like IBM, HP and Oracle were basing more of their core offerings on the OS...

Amazon Sues Spam Spoofers has sued 11 entities in the United States and Canada for forging its domain name in their e-mail spam messages, the company has announced. The lawsuits represent the latest salvo in Amazon's fight to suppress and eradicate such spoofing ...

Critical IE Flaws Add to Windows Headache

The dog days of summer have certainly arrived for Microsoft. In the month of August alone, the company's security personnel have had to contend with nearly half a dozen major worms, including MSBlast (aka LovSan and Blaster), two variants of SoBig (SoBig.E and this week's SoBig.F, which may be the fastest-spreading worm of all time) and Nachi/Welchia, a so-called "good" worm that nevertheless is creating headaches for IT departments...

SoBig.F Worm Reported Spreading

As predicted last week in TechNewsWorld's "Profile of a SuperWorm," the latest variant in the SoBig worm family has been unleashed, with Internet security firms reporting that several copies have been found in the wild. ...

Dell Posts Profit on Strong Global Sales

Dell's fiscal second-quarter numbers demonstrated growth in both its consumer and enterprise operations. In addition, the computer maker reported increased growth and profitability worldwide, bucking overall industry trends ...

Google Search Appliance Sales Up 200 Percent

Google has announced that sales of its Google Search Appliance (GSA) increased 200 percent over the course of the last year. The enterprise-focused product, which integrates hardware and software into a stand-alone appliance dedicated to search technology, first became available early last year ...

SCO Unveils License for Linux

SCO has announced that it will sell intellectual property (IP) licenses to make it legal for enterprises to run Linux, which allegedly uses portions of SCO's proprietary Unix source code ...

Novell Acquires Linux Trailblazer Ximian

As the LinuxWorld conference kicks off, Novell has announced the purchase of Ximian, a privately held company known as a trailblazer in the open source space, for an undisclosed amount. According to Novell, the deal was an all-cash transaction and will not affect its financial statements this fiscal year ...

Qwest Inks Deal for Sprint Mobile Services

Qwest Communications and Sprint have jointly announced that Sprint will wholesale its PCS Vision voice and data services to Qwest customers under an exclusive agreement ...

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