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Results 60-70 of 70 for Paul Hartsock

World Mobile Congress: Nvidia Lays Its Chips on the Table

Click here to e-mail Paul Hartsock ...


Cooper Lawrence and the Mass Effect of Gamers Scorned

Click here to e-mail Paul Hartsock ...


Sony Gives a Little, Gets a Little

Click here to e-mail Paul Hartsock ...


Idearc’s Jeff Torgerson: Taming the M-Marketing Frontier

For advertisers, the mobile Web is full of possibilities -- and problems ...


SageRock VP Joe Abraham: Putting Web Marketing on the Map

Buying sponsored links on a major search engine isn't cheap. Getting to the top of the search engine pile without paying your way requires mastery of search engine optimization -- a craft that often seems to fall somewhere between advanced calculus and alchemy ...


comScore Senior Director Brian Jurutka on Putting Local Businesses to the Web Test

For a small business that serves a local area -- a restaurant or gardening service, for example -- word of mouth can quickly make or break a reputation. When the conversation happens online in organized and professionally managed forums like Citysearch and, reputations can be made and broken even faster ...


Joost Beta Presents a Rich Tapestry of Oddball Offerings

It's no secret that an awful lot of TV shows and movies can be found on file-sharing networks like BitTorrent and Kazaa. It's also no secret that the producers of those shows really, really hate it when people share them without permission ...


Red Lambda CTO Robert Bird: Putting a Harness on P2P File-Sharing

As colleges and universities nationwide began installing broadband access to their dorm rooms and apartments years ago, they gave students convenient, at-home access to unprecedented amounts of information. The trend also played a significant role in opening the door to peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing networks, which were and are often used as a means to freely trade copyrighted material like music and movies...


Webroot CTO Gerhard Eschelbeck: The New Malware Generation

Virtualization rootkits, Web application security and Voice over IP (VoIP) attack vectors topped Gerhard Eschelbeck's list of the top three biggest issues at this month's Black Hat USA conference, held Aug. 1 and 2 in Las Vegas ...

Sharing Insecurities at Black Hat

Security experts, malware ninjas and hackers of all shades packed the hallways of the Palace Tower conference area at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas Aug. 1 and 2 for the 11th AnnualBlack Hat Briefings USA conference.The event provides security pros with a venue for outlining the latest flaws, both technological and human, in today's digital defenses ...

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