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Results 61-80 of 1059 for Jeff Kagan

Feds to Probe Apple’s iPhone Performance Disclosures

The addition of this performance controversy to other issues customers have with the new phones -- including some features in the new iOS 11 that customers do not like -- may cause Apple long-term problems, said independent analyst Jeff Kagan "I think this will be very damagi...

AT&T Raises Eyebrows With Call for Internet Bill of Rights

The AT&T campaign could be a reaction to the groundswell of opposition to the FCC repeal coming from consumers and Silicon Valley, argued independent analyst Jeff Kagan "While I believe AT&T is happy with the recent FCC decision on Net neutrality, they see the writing on the w...

AT&T Raises Eyebrows With Call for Internet Bill of Rights

The AT&T campaign could be a reaction to the groundswell of opposition to the FCC repeal coming from consumers and Silicon Valley, argued independent analyst Jeff Kagan "While I believe AT&T is happy with the recent FCC decision on Net neutrality, they see the writing on the w...

AT&T Raises Eyebrows With Call for Internet Bill of Rights

The AT&T campaign could be a reaction to the groundswell of opposition to the FCC repeal coming from consumers and Silicon Valley, argued independent analyst Jeff Kagan "While I believe AT&T is happy with the recent FCC decision on Net neutrality, they see the writing on the w...


Don’t Discount the Business Power of Emotions

What accounts for the amazing success of Apple and Starbucks? They both connect with users on an emotional level. This "secret" is evident to anyone who looks closely, and you can apply it to succeed with your own company and improve your own life ...

New Open Source Mobile OS Puts Privacy Front and Center

There is growing consumer interest in a potentially less-intrusive operating system for mobile devices, but the task of establishing one in the market is daunting, said independent analyst Jeff Kagan Though there have been some prior efforts, no alternative mobile OS has been ...


Verizon’s Reawakening

Verizon is finally snapping out of the doldrums it has been stuck in for the last several years. It seems to be on a comeback trail, thanks to its new advertising campaign. Having followed the company for decades, I've noticed how all of a sudden, it is blowing its own horn again. This is what it should have been doing all along ...


Uber Is Great Until It Leaves You Out in the Cold

Uber works great -- until it stops working, leaving your kid walking home alone on a cold and rainy winter night. Wireless technology opens up new avenues for innovation and excitement, with companies like Uber and Lyft. Most of the time, their technologies work just fine, but don't let your guard down ...

FCC Votes 3-2 to Upend Net Neutrality

There is a valid argument to be made for the rules repeal, suggested independent analyst Jeff Kagan "We have to remember if you want companies to make investments in the Internet infrastructure to bring high speed [access] to Americans, they must be profitable," he told the E...


GoGo’s In-Flight WiFi Goes in Fits and Starts

Why is it that in-flight WiFi is almost always problematic? Every time I take a commercial flight, I sign up for the GoGo WiFi service -- and every time I am disappointed by something. My experience last week flying on Delta was no exception. ...

Net Neutrality Battle Lines Drawn as FCC Vote Looms

The move to repeal Net neutrality is part of a never-ending debate on regulation of the Internet, and there are legitimate risks and benefits on both sides, said Jeff Kagan, an independent analyst. "There are no right or wrong angles, just different angles," he told the E-Co...


Which Is Best for You: iPhone 8, iPhone X or Galaxy S8?

Apple's iPhone and Google's Android operating system hit the marketplace one decade ago. Ten years later, there's still plenty of debate over which is better. I've lately been asked which of three new flagship phones is better: Apple's iPhone 8, its iPhone X, or Samsung's new Galaxy S8, which runs Google Android? ...

Amazon Denies Rumored Plans for Ad-Supported Prime Video Service

"This seems to be the direction that many companies are going -- two versions of the same service," said Jeff Kagan, an independent analyst. "One is paid by the customer and they bypass the ads. The other is the free version where customers get access but watch the ads," he ...


The Eve of the Self-Driving Revolution

A decade ago, there wasn't much talk about self-driving cars or autonomous-cars, but Toyota and Lexus were setting the stage with their self-parking cars. They aired television commercials showing how cars magically parallel-parked themselves. That was before any mention of the first iPhone or Android. At the time, it seemed amazing, but that was nothing compared to what's coming next...


Artificial Intelligence vs. Echo’s Eavesdropping and Google’s Home Invasion

There's a lot of excitement about all the new artificial intelligence technology hitting the market -- like Amazon's Echo and Google's Home smart speakers, among many other products. However, there's also growing concern over how these devices may invade our privacy. ...


Are You Ready for a RoboCEO?

Here's a disturbing thought: A RoboCEO powered by artificial intelligence -- possibly based on IBM's Watson -- could be running some companies within the next decade. Not every company will warm to the idea, to be sure, but it's conceivable that the practice could begin. ...

iOS Users May Regret Going to 11

"Apple may have bitten off more than it can chew, but they have done it in the past and that didn't hurt them in the long run," said Jeff Kagan, an independent telecom analyst Battery life and other OS upgrade issues turn off customers, but Apple has such a loyal following tha...


Artificial Intelligence, Smart Speakers and You

The artificial intelligence speaker war is now being waged, and it is escalating. Today you can choose between Amazon Echo and Google Home. Harman Kardon's Invoke is coming this fall. By the end of the year, Apple's HomePod will be competing in the market, and Samsung has indicated it will join the fray as well. With all these choices, how can you determine which smart speaker is right for you?...


Why We Should Care More About Who’s Watching

George Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four in 1949. When the year 1984 rolled around, Rockwell's haunting song, Somebody's Watching Me, featuring Michael Jackson and Jermaine Jackson singing in the background, made its debut and went on to become a classic. ...


Ad Tech’s Future Beyond Facebook and Google

Advertising technology, or ad tech, is a relatively new business segment. Both Google and Facebook have been very successful with this new advertising model. That's great for today, but what is the future of ad tech going forward? Will it be important and rapidly expand to a wider segment, or will it be limited to the way certain companies show value and grow?...

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