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Results 61-80 of 220 for Dana Gardner

Ubuntu Linux Coming Soon to Dell PCs

News of the partnership is likely to be met with a great deal of enthusiasm from the Linux community, Dana Gardner, principal analyst for Interarbor Solutions, told LinuxInsider "Obviously, any preinstallation of Linux in a major PC distribution channel like Dell is a fairly b...


Red Hat Gets Into Mischief

As Red Hat and its JBoss unit ramp up their SOA (service-oriented architectures) offerings and capabilities, they are re-emerging as a powerful mischief-maker to the established commercial vendors -- this time on the subject of data lifecycle in the age of SOA. However, there soon could be much more mischief from Raleigh, N.C ...


Web 2.0 Mashups and the Oracle-Hyperion Deal

Join noted IT analysts Steve Garone, Joe McKendrick, Tony Baer and Jim Kobielus, as well as SOA consultant guest Dave Linthicum of Linthicum Group, for a discussion of these topics, hosted and moderated by me, Dana Gardner Our panel discussion also parses the ramifications of ...


Introducing Software Development and Deployment as a Service

It's time to add another IT category to the official IT lexicon: software development and deployment as a service, or SDDS. This one's a keeper ...

Engaging the SOA Market the Open Source Way

Iona Technologies' purchase on Tuesday ofLogicBlaze -- while directed at the open source development and business models for SOA (service-oriented architecture) -- also further demonstrates the prevailing diversity of SOA consolidation activities ...

Is Corporate Governance Headed for a Mashup?

Our analysts have some unconventional and startling conclusions, as well as thoughtful insights. Join noted IT analysts Steve Garone, Joe McKendrick, Neil Macehiter and Jim Kobielus for our discussion, hosted and moderated by myself, Dana Gardner We also look into the recent a...

A Federated Approach to SOA

Our assemblage of analysts and guests have some unconventional and startling conclusions, as well as thoughtful insights. Join experts Steve Garone, Joe McKendrick and Jim Kobielus -- along with guest Miko Matsumura, the vice president of SOA products at webMethods -- for our discussion, hosted and moderated by me, Interarbor analyst Dana Gardner...


Eclipse Likely Won’t Suffer the Same Fate as Java

Colleague and frequent SOA Insights Edition contributor Tony Baer at OnStrategies has a nice context analysis of recent Eclipse Foundation news, and he wonders if Eclipse may be extending itself too thinly. He says this would follow the mistakes of the waning role of the Java Community Process (JCP) ...


The Breakneck Pace of Web 2.0

The navel gazing and gnashing of teeth over the Web 2.0 category reminds me of a chat I had with Joe Firmage back in 1996 ...


Sun’s Latest Quandary: Courting or Competing?

I'm not sure I get the follow-through of Sun wooing mashup artist start-ups. If anything, by Sun trying to appeal to these types of low-capital spending firms shows Sun's latest quandary -- it waited too long to compete with its customers ...

Online Search Goes Pro With B2B Engines

What is the state of B2B (business-to-business) search marketing? What are the business and technology drivers that make online search an emerging tool for business discovery and procurement? ...

Cisco Takes Battle to Redmond and Beyond

"For the money it paid, this is going to be more than a tactical acquisition," Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions, told the E-Commerce Times. "This is a strategic play." Better Web Conferencing...

Determining SOA’s Maturity Level

Dana Gardner: Shouldn't the vision of SOA allow us to have it both ways? If you have a culture and mindset in an organization, maybe it's because of your legacy. Maybe it's because of how you operate and the value you've perceived in past IT investments. Thus, you might want to remain with more of a single-vendor or an integrated-stack approach, but there might be other vendors without a legacy to drag along. The enterprise may want to take advantage of any innovation they can to be functionally heterogeneous and to explore and test open-source componentry as that becomes available. Shouldn't SOA allow both of these approaches -- and pretty much equally?...

Microsoft Ventures Into Crowded VoIP Market

With its huge installed base of customers running some version of their Office productivity suite, Microsoft has a significant opportunity to move into the VoIP market by embedding the technology in its applications and by taking advantage of the company's back-end servers that support these types of communications, Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions, told TechNewsWorld...

Service Management and the IT Infrastructure Library

Dana Gardner: ITIL has been around for quite some time, and ITSM services for management is a bit newer. How did the demand for these services come about, and what are some of the current drivers that are bringing this into the fore for an increasing number of enterprises? Kla...

Beyond the Shuffle Button: Sorting Music by Sound

Dana Gardner: Now, I'm looking here on my PC at my iTunes while we're talking, and I've got 4,690 items, 15 days of music, and 26.71 GB. It turns out -- even when I use shuffle and I've got my playlists and I've dug into this -- I'm probably only listening to about 20 percent or 30 percent of my music. I don't want it to be like that. So, clearly we can use some better richer tools. Is that right?...


Searching for the Soul of SOA

SOA is like an orchestra, a root system, a 30-mile wide fungus, an amoeba, a 1930s Hollywood movie studio and perhaps an independent film built from a loosely coupled team. It's an intellectually wild, yet illuminating, ride ...


DRM Needs to Work On Time, Every Time

Now that media companies are exploring Web distribution models and using new technologies, a great deal is being discussed about who controls what when it comes to content. Digital rights management (DRM) has its advocates and detractors, but some type of gateway for the management and monetization of content appears inevitable ...


SOA and the Future of Business Applications

We are at a very important juncture in the evolution of service-oriented architecture. An incredibly important issue right now is whether we are going to win broad acceptance and deep penetration, or whether SOA remains somewhat marginal ...


Microsoft, Novell and Unintended Consequences

Remember when AOL thought it was doing the world's researchers a big favor and made a boatload of online user behavior data openly available? ...

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