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Results 41-60 of 115 for Jeffrey M. Kaplan

Monetizing the IoT From A to Z

There is no question that one of the hottest topics in the tech industry is the rapidly evolving world of the Internet of Things. The seemingly infinite variety of use cases for capturing data from a widening array of connected devices and objects is inspiring the imaginations of corporate decision makers and fueling a new wave of innovation among established and emerging players...


Joining Forces to Harness the Internet of Things

A rising tide of interest has sparked a series of competitive moves among the widening array of software and technology providers vying for a share of the rapidly expanding IoT market ...


Here Come the Cloud-Based Big Data Management Services

Everyone's well aware that the explosive growth of data is one of the biggest challenges facing organizations of all sizes across nearly every industry. A growing number of cloud service providers (CSPs) are recognizing that they can provide more than just simple storage and economical compute power to their customers who are buried in data. They also can help them manage their Big Data processing needs on an ongoing basis...


Cloud Providers Profit by Serving Nonprofits

One of the sure signs of a maturing company, or even an entire industry, is the ability to offer free services to nonprofit organizations in order to demonstrate benevolence. However, such charitable acts aren't just about being altruistic. As a growing number of cloud providers are discovering, there are plenty of new revenue and profit opportunities in the nonprofit sector...


Building an Internet of Things Ecosystem

One of the geographic regions asserting itself as an epicenter of technology innovation focused on the rapidly evolving Internet of Things is the Boston area. To bring greater attention to the widening array of area companies pursuing new business opportunities in the IoT market, the region recently hosted a series of IoT events, anchored by Axeda's annual Connexion conference...


The Cloud’s Long Tail: Industry-Specific SaaS Solutions

I've been suggesting for a number of years that a new wave of opportunities is emerging to create industry-specific Software as a Service and cloud computing vertical market solutions. A number of new examples of this phenomenon have crossed my radar over the past few weeks which clearly illustrate the long tail effect of the cloud. ...


Complicating the Cloud

Although I've been a proponent of the business benefits of migrating to the "cloud" since before the term was popularized by today's market leaders, I have to admit that the cloud industry is doing a great job of making it increasingly difficult for CIOs and other corporate decision makers to feel confident about making the move ...


Learning the Business Value of SaaS

Computer and software companies have been battling for the hearts and minds of students for decades, and now school administrators are becoming the target of smart Software as a Service and cloud computing service providers. ...


Cloud Powers the Internet of Things

The Internet of Thingsis a key driver of accelerated growth of cloud-based alternatives to traditional on-premises systems and software, and as the new year begins to unfold, it is gaining momentum ...


2014 Looks Bright for Cloud Services

Despite recent revelations regarding the NSA's extensive surveillance of email messages, Internet traffic and mobile communications, no one expects people or businesses to discard these essential habits and tools. In fact, I believe cloud-based alternatives to traditional, on-premise software and systems will continue to expand in 2014, as providers offer more deployment choices...


Boom Time for Corporate Cloud Marketplaces

The growing adoption of Bring Your Own Device policies by organizations of all sizes, across nearly every industry, has enabled corporate end-users and business units to more easily acquire apps tailored to their specific work requirements. ...


The Cloud’s Untapped Vein of Gold

Although the cloud marketplace is growing rapidly, the current rate of growth will continue only if a broader set of strong channel companies emerge to extend the reach of today's cloud leaders into new industries and geographies ...


God Loves the Cloud and It’s Time to Get Religion

I'm not a religious guy, but I've been preaching about the virtues of moving to the cloud for a long time. Well before the idea became popular, I saw the potential cost savings offered by the cloud, as well as the opportunities to leverage it to generate new innovations. Now, nearly every industry is recognizing these potential benefits, including church pastors and other religious leaders...


Time for CIOs to Create Cloud-Based App Stores

I've been charting the evolution of the corporate app store idea in this column for more than three years. Until recently, most of the focus has been on how various service providers and other institutions can establish app stores to resell apps to their customers. Now, enlightened CIOs are discovering they can also implement internal app stores to control the consumerization of IT and satisfy their corporate constituents...


Financial Sector’s Gaze Fixed Firmly on the Cloud

A persistent myth in the tech world is that major enterprises in highly regulated industries are risk-averse and reluctant to adopt new technology innovations. In the case of the financial services sector, this has not been the case for years, and it is being disproved again as a growing number of financial institutions aggressively pursue a widening array of cloud computing alternatives...


Integrating the Enterprise’s Old and New Worlds

With nearly every market forecast and growing anecdotal evidence pointing to escalating demand for cloud-based alternatives to traditional on-premises systems and software, the challenges of integrating the new on-demand solutions with existing applications and data sources are becoming even more critical. ...

Salesforce Buys ExactTarget

"There has been a lot of speculation about whether or when Salesforce will more heavily into the marketing automation space," Jeffrey M. Kaplan, managing director of THINKstrategies, told CRM Buyer. This deal, he says, should put that speculation to rest. Digital Marketing W...


From BI to KPIs to Benchmark Success in the Cloud

Organizations of all sizes across an assortment of industries are using a growing set of cloud analytics solutions to address their Big Data, business intelligence (BI) and data integration challenges, as I heard first-hand at the recent THINKstrategies' second annual Cloud Analytics Summit, which I had the privilege of hosting ...


Using Cloud Analytics to Corral Big Data

Strategic Big Data and Actionable Analytics are two of the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2013, according to Gartner. ...


IBM’s Big Bet on Cloud Analytics

A growing number of established and emerging software and technology vendors areseeking to take advantage of the convergence of Big Data and the cloud. None has madea bigger bet than IBM ...

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