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Results 20-40 of 40 for Gene Koprowski

IT Security Issues Pose Major Risk for E-Healthcare

You're likely to visit the doctor when you have an infection, but what if the e-health records in her office were infected themselves -- with viruses, worms and other malware? That could be detrimental to your health, and depending on the severity of the computer problems, could even change the course of your life. That's not the prognosis you want to hear when you're ill...


Silicon Prairie May Be Fertile Ground for Emerging Homeland Security Biz

Silicon Valley -- the sprawling suburbs of San Francisco and San Jose -- first emerged during the 1960s as a prime location for the Pentagon to conduct research and development work during the Cold War. Will the Silicon Prairie -- the stretch of land between Chicago and downstate Champaign-Urbana -- serve the same function for the War on Terror? ...

Aging Workforce a Concern for US Tech Firms

The aging workforce is becoming a significant concern for technology employers in the U.S., where a third of employees will be aged 50 or older in just four years. Ten years ago, the story was the "graying of Japan," where aging workers were expected to be less productive in their golden years as well ...

Police Cameras Spark Privacy Debate, Citizens Seek to Block Photos

Police in Chicago -- and elsewhere in the state of Illinois -- are dramatically expanding the deployment of stealth cameras to catch alleged speeders. The cameras may be a massive invasion of privacy, however, according to some legal experts who are calling for precautions to be taken with the surveillance data ...

Study: ‘Digital Home’ Device Sales Grew by 500 Percent in 2005

The era of the networked home has finally arrived, as sales are soaring for Internet-Protocol-enabled multimedia devices ...


MP3s: The New 45 Singles of the Music Business

Back in the 1950s, Elvis Presley and other recording artists put out plenty of hit singles like "Heartbreak Hotel" and "Hound Dog," and consumers clamored for the tunes. By the 1960s, with the success of "The Beatles (The White Album)" and blockbusters from other big groups, the album became the main medium of music sales ...

Firm Solves Patent Disputes in Creative Ways

Can reviewing the path of a cab ride shared by quarrelling inventors be a better solution to a patent dispute than years-long litigation that could otherwise reach up to the U.S. Supreme Court? Jorge Goldstein, managing director at the firm of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein and Fox, based in Washington, D.C., thinks so. And this is not just an imaginative thought experiment. It's been done...

Study: Some Internet Applications Hinder Workers’ Productivity

Results of a new study dramatically challenge the conventional wisdom on the benefits of the Internet, and indicate that the Web may actually "inhibit" productivity for some workers ...

Document Management Challenges Put Companies at Legal Risk

Many cases centered around document management, retention and disposition could be headed for the U.S. Supreme Court in the next year, as companies run into challenges resulting from a disorganized or inadequate document management strategy, experts tell TechNewsWorld ...

Five Percent of Global PCs Still Infected With ‘Blackworm’ Virus

Significant concentrations of the Blackworm virus remain in Peru, India and the United States -- currently infecting about five percent of the world's PCs overall -- though the coordinated "disinfection" of most enterprise PCs was successful, according to new research provided to TechNewsWorld ...

Desktop PC Death Rumors ‘Greatly Exaggerated’

Mark Twain once said that the rumors of his death had been "greatly exaggerated." The same can be said for the desktop PC. Sleek laptops are certainly sexier than bulky desktops, but recent research proves that small businesses need both to create a more efficient and productive office ...

IT Employees Recapturing Power of 1990s

IT employees are starting to gain back some of the clout they had during the 1990s, as hiring in the technology field has accelerated during the last six quarters ...

Twenty Percent of Europeans Find Landlines Unnecessary

More and more consumers -- not just twenty-somethings -- are interested in giving up their conventional landline telephone for a mobile phone ...

Visto, Good Technology Embroiled in Patent Dispute

A patent dispute has erupted betweenVisto, a provider of secure push e-mail services for mobile phones, and Good Technology ...

Fourth Quarter, Yearly Mobile Phone Shipments Reach Record High

A new report indicates that worldwide mobile phone shipments grew 19 percent year-to-year in the fourth quarter of 2005, reaching a record 810 million units for the year. What is more, this sales boom happened despite "moderate" industry-wide component shortages ...

Study: IT Innovation Comes Before Consumer Demand

New research by the Arlington, Mass.-based Cutter Consortium indicates that business requirements for IT and even management trends appear to be increasingly driven by IT innovations in the marketplace, not the other way around, as traditionally believed ...

Research: Mobile Phone Industry Poised for Spectacular Growth

New research indicates that the number of mobile phone subscribers will increase by upwards of 50 percent in the next four years ...

Automotive Blindspot Technologies Set to Take Off

Demand for automotive blindspot monitoring technologies -- which can dramatically improve safety for drivers -- is poised to grow explosively, according to new market forecasts ...

Baby Products Boom Online

The Christmas shopping season may be officially over -- but online shopping continues to flourish with consumers still scrambling to buy iPods, XBox 360s, DVDs and baby cribs and strollers. Cribs and strollers? ...

Intel Rethinks 64-Bit Strategy for Desktop-Grade Processors

A new era of faster computing for consumers soon may be in the offing, as Intel has gone public with plans to produce a new line of 64-bit microprocessors as soon as the supporting software is commercially available ...

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