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Results 420-429 of 429 for Renay San Miguel

Google Toughens Gmail Security With Remote Logout

If you use Google's Gmail and like to access your account from several locations -- work, office, your smartphone, Internet cafes, etc. -- you can now remotely check the status of that account from all your log-in locations. Google announced a new remote signout and monitoring feature designed to enhance security for those who use several computers or connected devices in the course of a day...

Google Makes Room for Privacy

Google and privacy advocates will continue to fight a war over the search giant's use and retention of personal information, but it appears the two sides declared an end to hostilities over the July Fourth holiday weekend regarding the company's privacy policy. Google now will directly link to its privacy information and policy from its homepage ...

Study: 40 Percent of Web Surfers Using Leaky, Vintage Browsers

If the food industry ran its business like the Internet browsing software industry, then consumers would be hurling lawsuits like bad tomatoes at the companies that give us Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari ...


Motion-Based Gaming on Phones: The Ticket to Public Humiliation

I am an unrepentant gaming enthusiast, and there are lengths I will go for my hobby that might puzzle normal people with normal lives. I'll stand in the rain outside a Best Buy for a Nintendo Wii on launch day; I'll surf the Web at all hours for the latest gaming reviews or demos; I'll scream creative obscenities -- if I do say so myself -- at hordes of Covenant aliens and grotesque Flood monsters who keep me from advancing to the next level of "Halo 3."

ICANN Approves Dot-KitchenSink Internet Address Policy

The universe of Internet domains will soon experience a Big Bang, thanks to Thursday's vote by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) approving a new system for handing out Web addresses ...

Sony Gives PS3 a Shot of Adrenaline: Movies and a Twirling Globe

Sony's Blu-ray won the battle of high-definition DVD formats, but its PlayStation 3 gaming console has been losing the war over networked home entertainment. That will change this summer, promised Kaz Hirai, president of Sony Computer Entertainment, during a Tokyo press conference announcing new PS3 services for the U.S. market ...

New Group Calls for Broadband in Every Pot

An election looms, and the candidates' talking points are being set: war, the economy, the environment. Now a new advocacy group wants the next president and lawmakers to add one more item to their to-do list: a national broadband policy that ensures high-speed Internet access for all Americans ...

Extreme Makeover, Internet Edition: ICANN to Vote on Major Revamp

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will vote this week in Paris on a plan to radically open up the procedure for assigning top-level domain names. ...

Disney-ABC Makes ‘Lost,’ ‘Desperate,’ ‘Ugly’ Deal With Veoh

The race for broadcast networks to get their content online became more crowded Monday with the announcement that Disney-ABC is now allowing Veoh Networks to stream full episodes of its programming, including the hit network series "Lost," "Desperate Housewives" and "Ugly Betty." ...

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