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Results 221-240 of 429 for Renay San Miguel

Yahoo Goes DIY With Redesigned Homepage

Third-party applications and customization features take center stage on Yahoo's new homepage as the company rolled out the beta version of its redesign for U.S. users Tuesday ...

Verizon Throws Bone to Smaller Rural Carriers

It is the dream for consumers who are tired of lusting after shiny new smartphones that belong to somebody else's carrier; the ability to buy any feature-rich phone from any device maker and tie it to any wireless provider they choose -- exclusivity be damned ...

US Reputation for Scientific Achievement Flagging

U.S. science, medicine and technology were under the microscope in the latest survey from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, and one finding that's generating headlines is that only 17 percent of the public participants held the belief that American scientific achievements are the best in the world. ...


Jackson Memorial Brought Out Worst in Networks, Best in Web

On June 25th, many Americans learned about the death of Michael Jackson from the Internet. They had already learned how to use social networks to share that information -- and their grief -- with others, far outpacing traditional television media ...

Kindle 2 Price Cut May Not Be Kind Enough

Maybe Amazon's dreams of beaches filled with summer readers clicking on Kindles instead of riffling through a James Patterson or Clive Cussler page-turner didn't quite pan out. Or maybe economic stimulus funds haven't trickled down far enough to get recession-weary consumers thinking of e-book readers as must-have purchases ...

Suspicion Centers on N. Korea in DoS Blitz but No Smoking Gun

U.S. computer security experts didn't have much of an Independence Day holiday this year, thanks to a massive botnet-driven attack launched on July 4 that initially targeted several federal agency Web sites and then went wider to include assaults on private sector Web entities in America and sites for South Korean government departments ...

Google Apps Bump the ‘B’ Word

Large, mid-size and small businesses that were already using Gmail for their communications needs may have forgotten that the email application was still officially a beta app -- that is, a work in progress, with all the tinkering and occasional downtime that goes along with the label ...

Royalty Deal Gets Labels In Tune With Web Radio

Pandora Radio Founder Tim Westergren had been one of the most vocal critics of the royalty rates that small online radio broadcasters were forced to pay per government edict. However, Tuesday's announcement of an agreement between those webcasters and SoundExchange, the organization tasked by the recording industry to collect music royalties, has made him change his tune...

Andreessen Sinks Gold Into Tech VC Gambit

He was into cloud computing before cloud computing was cool. Before that, he'd given the world its first real Web browser. He's a board member of eBay and Facebook, and he's invested in some must-watch Web 2.0 companies: Digg, Twitter, Ning, etc ...


How to Build a New-Media/Old-School Journalism Hybrid

2009 is rapidly turning into a vintage year for old-school journalism whine. ...


The Mighty Power Bestowed on ISPs

This story was originally published on March 10, 2009, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series ...

Wallflower or Extrovert? Facebook Lets Users Choose by Post

With 200 million members who double as very vocal quality assurance officers, Facebook knows that any tinkering with its privacy policy is going to receive a lot of attention. So, its Wednesday announcement of an upcoming series of tests regarding its new privacy settings was carefully marketed as a matter of "control, simplicity and connection" by chief privacy officer Chris Kelly...

New Site Lets Citizens Follow the Government’s IT Money Trail

It may not seem like most people's idea of summer reading. Then again, it is the chance to engage in some detective work with billions of dollars and terabytes of sensitive government data at stake. Better yet, you don't have to spend any money to read this latest techno-thriller ...

YouTube Opens Digital J-School for Amateur Reporters

How do you conduct a great interview? For Katie Couric, it all starts with being a gracious host. "I think the more comfortable you make someone feel, the better interview you'll get," she says. "I know in terms of body language I always try to be very warm and welcoming. It's really critical to put someone at ease." ...

Pirate Bay Decides to Join the Navy

He may still have an eye patch, a peg leg and a funny hat, but is a pirate still a pirate if he writes you a check before plundering your ship? How long would Robin Hood keep his band of merry men intact if they took from the rich -- and charged the poor a redistribution fee for access to those riches? ...

Toyota Wheelchair Guided by Thought Alone

U.S. automakers have spent a lot of time lately wondering whether someone can think up a solution for their economic woes. Meanwhile, one of their Japanese counterparts is using brainpower in a different way: to control the movement and direction of a wheelchair. ...

Will PlayStation Play the Cellphone Game?

If you're working your thumbs into a carpal-tunnel frenzy on your Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP), navigating the blood and gore of the company's successful gaming franchise "God of War," do you really want to interrupt the mayhem to take a phone call from Mom? ...


The Iran Lesson: Technology Can Set You Free

After two weeks of news from Iran, it wasn't a tweet from Tehran that came to symbolize the horror in a potential revolution and the real-time, cinema verite nature of its storytelling. True, it was a moment brought to you by digital technology and the Internet, but it wasn't Twitter that made the leader of the free world search for the right words during this week's presidential press conference...

Facebook Lets You Have Privacy Your Way

Your 21st birthday party will no doubt go down in the record books as a legendary debauch, but the photos of you doing jello shots off a stripper's belly won't be nearly as impressive to future employers as they are to your Facebook friends. So, Facebook made it easier Wednesday for you to decide exactly who gets to see those photos -- as long as you are the one doing the posting.

Comcast, Time Warner Push ‘TV Everywhere’ – for a Price

The cable industry's new rallying cry may indeed be "TV Everywhere," as announced Wednesday by Comcast and Time Warner executives. However, TV arguably is already everywhere -- on the Web, on your smartphone, on your Xbox 360. Perhaps what Brian Roberts and Jeff Bewkes really meant to announce was "Pay TV Everywhere." ...

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